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29. Which of the Topical Vitamins Work?

Our job is to provide the best information to cleanse, tone, moisturize, shield, repair, restore and rejuvenate your skin with the best available natural substances to make sure you get what you are seeking – healthy, beautiful skin!  How?


Vitamin A is a proven exfoliator. Exfoliating dead skin cells improves cell turnover, revealing fresh new skin cells and fading dark spots faster. Vitamin A in its most common skincare form, retinoids, also helps fight premature aging caused by the sun, as does vitamin E. Vitamin B12 also supports the growth of new skin cells and boosts collagen production and like vitamin A.

Correction and Prevention of Sun Damage

The Sun is one of the principal causes of premature skin aging and hyperpigmentation. UVA and UVB rays cause damage to skin cells, destroy collagen and elastin, cause epidermal mutations, cause sunburn and certain skin cancers. Vitamin C is a photoprotective antioxidant, protecting the skin from drying sun damage, working to neutralize free radicals. By combining topical vitamin C with sunscreen, protection levels are multiplied, reducing the risks of sun exposure.

Reducing the Effects of Natural Aging

Vitamin C helps to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen strengthens and hydrates, elastin increases elasticity in the skin, both work together reducing the appearance of fine lines and leaving the skin looking smoother and firmer.  Vitamin C is a powerful ingredient, delivering multiple beneficial effects to a range of skin situations. Signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to fight and neutralize free radicals that attack the healthy skin cells within the body and helps to slow the aging process.  Vitamin E, also a powerful antioxidant, works to reduce the signs of aging by protecting skin cell membranes and preventing damage from free radicals.

Hydration to Relieve Dry Skin

Used topically, both vitamins C and E help to improve the barrier function of the skin. A healthy skin barrier keeps just the right amount of moisture locked into the layers of the skin, keeping your skin well hydrated and moisturized. When too much moisture is lost, your skin can become dehydrated, leaving it looking dry, dull and uneven. Dehydrated skin and he constant tug of gravity also contribute to dark circles and under-eye bags. Vitamin C increases the natural production of collagen and collagen improves skin hydration.

Vitamin D combats dry skin. If your body has low vitamin A levels, you may notice dry and flaky skin. While topical vitamin A can help, making sure there is enough in your diet can be more effective. Topical vitamin B, especially in its niacin form, will work in a similar manner to vitamin C and E by helping the skin retain moisture and helping to soothe dry, irritated skin quickly.

In all these common skin complaints, vitamin C has proven to deliver effective and long-lasting benefits. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that topical vitamin C should be used by everyone, every day. (Vitamin C plays a leading role in the majority of OrangeDaily products with complementary vitamins such as E and A to maximize the results.)

Hyperpigmentation – Dark Spots

Vitamin C can help to reduce and regulate the production of melanin, correcting hyperpigmentation and balancing the skin color and tone. Dark spots, sunspots and liver spots are patches of skin that appear darker than the surrounding areas. Usually this occurs because of a buildup of melanin in a localized area due to excessive sun exposure or hormonal changes. By promoting collagen production, skin texture appears smoother and firmer.

Vitamin B3, or niacinamide in its topical form, helps prevent UV induced skin aging by reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation, yellowness, redness and wrinkles, also helping improve skin elasticity. Vitamin E also works to treat scarring and lighten dark spots. When combined with vitamin C, its effects are multiplied. In summary… which vitamins are good for your skin? It can be asserted confidently that if it’s good for the inside, it’s good for the outside, if it is mixed correctly in the right proportions. The skin seems to “know” what it needs and seems to have an affinity for the correct ingredients

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Orange Daily Blog

28. Can Topical Vitamin C Serum Lighten My Dark Spots?

The answer is yes. When used as part of a conscientious skin care regimen, vitamin C will work to even out skin tone, lighten and fade away dark spots on the skin.

Dark spots on your skin can make you feel self-conscious and embarrassed. With so many products on the market that promise to banish dark spots and brighten the skin, the choices can feel confusing. We single out vitamin C serum to discover if it can lighten dark spots.

What Are Dark Spots?

Hyperpigmentation is the term used for patches of skin that appear darker than the surrounding area. These dark patches can look like freckles, liver spots, age spots, sunspots or blotchy skin.  Hyperpigmentation can occur in small patches, can cover larger areas of skin and can also affect the whole body.

How Are Dark Spots Formed?

Hyperpigmentation is the body producing an excess of melanin, a natural pigment made by cells called melanocytes. The more melanin these cells produce, the darker an individual’s skin, eye and hair color. Melanin protects the skin from sun damage by absorbing and scattering UV radiation. When the skin is exposed to the sun, the cells produce more melanin, which is why people with light complexions become tanned from sunbathing.

When these cells become unhealthy or damaged, the production of melanin can be affected, producing more melanin in localized areas, forming melanin deposits, dark patches. Melanocyte levels are affected by hormonal changes, certain medications, pregnancy, injury to the skin and excessive sun exposure.

How Does Topical Vitamin C Lighten Dark Spots?

Vitamin C blocks tyrosinase, an enzyme essential in the production of melanin. Applying vitamin C serum topically to the affected areas will regulate the production of melanin within the cells and slowly fade the deposits built up in the skin. With continued use, dark spots will fade and skin will appear brighter.

Preventing Hyperpigmentation

Using topical vitamin C products as part of a good skin care regimen will regulate the production of melanin, inhibiting dark spots from forming and helping to fade existing hyperpigmentation, resulting in a more even skin tone and brighter complexion.

To keep skin cells healthy, use sunscreen to protect from damage caused by the sun. The combination of sunscreen and topical vitamin C can offer increased protection.

How to Use

For optimal results, layer it with other topical vitamin C products. The OrangeDaily seven-step system creates a reservoir of vitamin C in the skin. Each product primes the skin for the next, encouraging better absorption of ingredients.

The OrangeDaily system begins with the cleanser to wash away dirt and impurities. The next step is the alcohol-free toner, which provides nutrients, moisture and adjusts the PH levels of the skin. The third step is the 10% Vitamin C Serum, delivering concentrated amounts of topical vitamin C. The Moisturizing Cream is next. Age-Defying Eye Complex follows to benefit cells around the eyes. Next apply Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Complex. The last step is the Dual-Action Brightening Cream as needed to lighten dark spots and even out skin tones.

Other Benefits

Topical vitamin C is one of the most effective ingredients in skin care. Other than lightening dark spots, topical vitamin C delivers a host of benefits to the skin as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing damage caused by free radicals, pollution, environmental elements and sun rays. It is photoprotective, guarding the skin from UVA and UVB exposure. It hydrates and moisturizes the skin and assists in reducing under-eye bags and circles. It stimulates collagen production, promoting elasticity, reducing wrinkles and fine lines and leaving the skin looking smooth, firm and youthful. Vitamin C is an ingredient everyone should include in their skin care regimen, both men and women. Learn more about this super ingredient and find more in this series of articles and blogs.

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Orange Daily Blog

27. How Does Topical Vitamin C Work?

L-ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is often touted as the holy grail of skin care. Topical vitamin C is a potent, diverse ingredient that can rejuvenate the skin from the inside out and combat a range of skin complaints.

The Basics

After being thoroughly tested in clinical studies across the world, vitamin C is proven to be one of the most diverse and essential ingredients in any skin care regimen. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that vitamin C should be used topically by everyone, every day for therapeutic benefit.

Studies show that it can promote younger-looking skin by assisting with fine lines and wrinkles. It works to hydrate and moisturize, protect the skin from sun damage, reduce under-eye bags, even out skin discoloration due to hyperpigmentation and reduce inflammation, leaving the skin looking brighter and healthier.

How Does It Work?

Vitamin C is a truly diverse and essential ingredient and can affect a range of skin conditions.

Here are some of the ways that topical vitamin C promotes skin health.

Age Defying

Oxidative stress is a major contributor to fine lines and wrinkles. Oxidative stress is caused by unstable molecules (free radicals) that attack the body’s healthy cells, breaking down their structure. Vitamin C, an antioxidant, binds to free radicals and render them inert, protecting the skin and slowing down the aging process.

Topical vitamin C also works to stimulate collagen production. Collagen helps to strengthen, hydrate and promote elasticity of the skin, resulting in a reduction of fine lines and smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin.

Protects Against Sun Damage

Vitamin C is photoprotective, protecting the skin from free radicals that are energized by both UVB and UVA exposure. UVA radiation affects deeper layers of the skin where new skin cells are made and can cause cell mutation that potentially can lead to cancer. It can also destroy collagen and elastin within the cells, accelerating the appearance of aging. UVB affects the outer skin layers and can cause sunburn, epidermal mutations and even skin cancer. Vitamin C reduces UV damage by binding and neutralizing free radicals.

Sunscreen works to protect skin cells from UV radiation by blocking some of the sun’s most harmful rays. Vitamin C works internally by neutralizing the sun-energized free radicals that create skin cell damage. For a day in the sun, both modes of sun protection – topical vitamin C and a sunscreen – should be used to provide maximum protection from UV damage.


Hyperpigmentation is areas of skin that appear darker than the surrounding skin. Usually, this is caused by an increase in the production of melanin due to sun exposure or hormonal changes. Topical vitamin C can help reduce melanin production, helping to correct hyperpigmentation, improving skin color, tone, balance and appearance.


Dehydrated skin may look dry, dull, uneven and may feel itchy. Dark circles and under-eye bags are largely down to dehydrated skin. Vitamin C can improve the skin’s barrier function to decrease moisture loss from the outermost layer of the skin, promoting better skin hydration.


On our skin surface, inflammation is usually due to the damage caused by free radicals at a cellular level. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps fight these free radicals. With fewer free radicals attacking our cells, there are fewer triggers for inflammation.

Other Ingredients

Vitamins are organic substances that are essential in nourishing the skin. Vitamin A helps to stimulate the renewal of skin cells and improve skin elasticity. Botanicals such as Jojoba oil are added to help soften and moisturize the skin. OrangeDaily products also contain a blend of age-defying herbal ingredients to help protect, repair and rejuvenate the skin. These ingredients include hydrolyzed oat protein, algae extract, willow bark extract and green tea extract. Included are emollients that moisturize, leaving skin soothed and smooth and emulsifiers that bind water and oil-based components together.


OrangeDaily products are designed to be used as a complete system. The seven-part regimen starts with a cleanser, followed by toner, then the 10 % Vitamin C Serum, Moisturizing Cream, Eye Complex, Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Complex and Dual-Action Brightening Cream for spot reduction and lightening of selected areas of skin that may be darker than others from hyperpigmentation, resulting in an even tone and shade. This system affects rejuvenation and repair of sun-damaged and aging skin. When used in the intended sequence, each ingredient works to prime the skin for the next product, promoting better absorption and a stockpile vitamin C, combining to create a reservoir of protective vitamin C within the layers of the skin.

How Long Until I See Results?

When used correctly, products containing vitamin C can provide a wealth of long-lasting benefits to the skin which will start to be visible within a few days. The long-term benefits can be achieved by applying the products daily, in a conscientious routine over a 60-90-day period, and then continually, for as long as you want to defy aging and look better.

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Orange Daily Blog

26. 9 Benefits of Topical Vitamin C

Clinical tests demonstrate the benefits of vitamin C for maintaining a healthy body and it’s also great for your skin. Applied topically, vitamin C works layer-by-layer to promote healthy skin from the inside out. We’ve compiled a list of benefits for applying vitamin C topically, so you can read and decide for yourself if adding this powerful ingredient to your skincare routine may be right for you.

Top 9 Benefits of Vitamin C for Your Skin

1. Promotes Collagen Production

Collagen is an essential amino acid that forms connective tissue and literally holds your body together. We naturally produce less collagen as we age, allowing wrinkles to become apparent on the skin. Vitamin C is notably the most important vitamin required for collagen production.

When enough vitamin C is consumed through a healthy diet high in antioxidant-rich foods, collagen production is supported and disease is avoided. Likewise, when vitamin C is applied topically, collagen production is supported and loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles are less apparent.

2. Prevents Sun Damage

There is encouraging evidence that vitamin C can prevent sun damage caused by UVA and UVB rays. Sun damage can lead to discoloration commonly known as “sun spots” as well as skin cancer. Current research suggests that the topical form of vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid, is an ideal companion to your regular sunscreen.

3. Restores Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another antioxidant necessary for healthy skin. Sun exposure tends to deplete vitamin E levels, but vitamin C restores it. These two will work together to keep your skin looking youthful.

4. Accelerates Healing

Bodies that are deficient in vitamin C don’t heal well. We know that vitamin C is necessary for collagen production, and collagen production is necessary for healing wounds. Applying topical vitamin C encourages the body to produce collagen, resulting in a faster healing process. Vitamin C also aids iron absorption, another important component for wound healing.

5. Reduces Dark Under-Eye Circles

The skin under your eyes is thin and can continue to get thinner as you age. As such, the veins and capillaries underneath become more apparent, causing what we commonly refer to as dark under-eye circles. Current research suggests that L-ascorbic acid can be applied topically to help diminish the appearance of dark circles by stimulating collagen production that will thicken and tighten under-eye skin.

6. Improves Hydration and Moisture

Dry skin is a common skin problem for many people, especially in the winter. Cold air outside and warm, dry air inside contribute to moisture loss in our skin. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also be unsightly. Regular use of L-ascorbic acid, topical vitamin C, combats this problem by creating an epidermal barrier that prevents moisture loss and ultimately results in more hydrated skin.

7. Reduces Skin Discoloration

Hyperpigmentation, or skin discoloration, is a common problem for many people. This malady seems to be more apparent in those with darker skin tones, those exposed to excessive sunlight and those experiencing skin inflammation of any kind. When used consistently, topical vitamin C has been shown to reduce the appearance of dark spots and help even out skin tones.

8. Diminishes Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Because vitamin C does such a good job supporting collagen production, the natural overflow of that is a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Remember, collagen is the protein that causes your skin to retain its elasticity. By increasing collagen production, skin elasticity returns and fine lines and wrinkles are significantly reduced.

9. Reduces Redness and Inflammation

Redness and inflammation of the skin may result from acne, dermatitis, rosacea, burns, injuries or even allergic reactions. Vitamin C is a well-known, natural anti-inflammatory agent. When applied directly to the skin, this amazing antioxidant goes to work reducing inflammation and results in diminished redness and clearer skin.

Important Facts to Know

Not all types of vitamin C are created equal. Some forms are not easily absorbed by the skin. Others are oxidized too easily, which means they would be rendered useless soon after being exposed to air. When it comes to skincare, L-ascorbic acid is the best and most easily absorbed form. Be sure to read ingredient labels and choose a product or product line that contains this form of the vitamin.

If you are interested in having younger and healthier skin, consider adding quality products that contain the L-ascorbic acid form of the vitamin to your daily skincare routine. By adding just five minutes in the morning and the evening to your daily routine, you will soon see a measurable return on your investment. It just takes a few short weeks of consistent use to make a profound difference.

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Orange Daily Blog

25. Diminishing Your Wrinkles With Topical Vitamin C

Laugh lines are no laughing matter, and no one wants wrinkles. Unfortunately, they seem to be an inevitable consequence of adding more candles to our birthday cake. But what if that weren’t true? What if getting older doesn’t have to equal looking older? Say good-bye to fine lines and wrinkles, because we have another option today. Harness the power of vitamin C to help fight back against wrinkles and signs of aging.

We Hate Aging!

For centuries, both men and women alike have gone to great lengths, often spending exorbitant amounts of time and money, in an effort to combat the effects of aging. It’s been said that Queen Cleopatra took extensive measures to maintain her beauty with milk and honey baths, rose water facials, and henna hair dye.

How Topical Vitamin C Can Help Get Rid of Wrinkles for the Long Haul

Reverses Sun Damage

The long-term effects of too much sun can often mean dry, loose, and sometimes sagging skin. Unfortunately, we’re usually well into mid-life before we realize how much damage the sun has done to our skin. Fortunately, vitamin C is an antioxidant and as such, it has the power to reverse sun damage.

L-ascorbic acid, the active form of vitamin C, penetrates below the skin’s surface to reach the deep layers of tissue where it works to heal cells previously damaged by the sun. Essentially, it heals your skin from the inside out.

Protects from Sun Damage

Not only does vitamin C reverse the damage already done to your skin from overexposure to the sun, but it can also protect you from future sun damage. Applying a product containing the antioxidant-rich vitamin can actually block the negative effects of both UVA and UVB rays. This is really important since those rays are notorious for contributing to premature signs of aging as well as more serious consequences such as skin cancer.

While not considered a sunscreen on its own, vitamin C is often included as an ingredient in such products. Daily use is extremely important and can be effective in protecting your skin from future damage. Applying in the morning under your usual sunscreen will give you all-day UV-fighting power.

Stimulates Collagen Production

Collagen seems to be a buzz word in anti-aging conversations these days. Collagen is that fabulous protein that keeps our skin supple and firm. However, we also know that collagen production naturally decreases as we age. Many have turned to ingesting collagen (not so tasty) as a supplement in an effort to stave off the signs of aging.

We consider vitamin C to be an even better option. Taken internally or applied topically, vitamin C actually stimulates the production of collagen from within the cells. When your body is producing ample amounts of collagen, the skin will appear tighter, firmer, and more supple. Fine lines and wrinkles appear diminished.

Fights Free Radicals

First, what are free radicals anyway? Free radicals are unstable molecules that can and will cause damage to the cells in your body as they seek any cell to attach to “balance” themselves. They’ve been linked to various diseases including cancer. They damage our collagen and elastin production resulting in loose, sagging skin and wrinkles. Even worse, free radicals are everywhere. Between environmental pollutants, medications and poor diet choices, they’re virtually impossible to avoid.

But the antioxidant properties of vitamin C work to neutralize free radicals and even counteract their damage. But how? If you’ve ever poured lemon juice on an apple to slow the browning process, then you’ve seen antioxidants at work. And that is very similar to what happens inside your body as the antioxidants seek out those “unbalanced” radical cells and stop them in their tracks.

It Can Work for You

Topical vitamin C has been proven time and time again to pack a powerful age-defying punch. Whether by reversing sun damage, protecting from future sun damage, stimulating collagen production or fighting free radicals, vitamin C does it all.

These products are used topically but work deep within the cells to heal and repair damaged skin from the inside out, giving you the power to finally diminish the appearance of wrinkles.

Contact us here for questions or comments.


24. Question: Who is Dr. Ron DiSalvo?

Dr. DiSalvo created the original OrangeDaily formulations and has directed the world’s top beauty brands to success with his unique state-of-the-art formulations and cutting-edge technology.

Dr. DiSalvo served as Vice President of Research & Development for Redken Laboratories and Remedco Medical Analytical Laboratories and was Director of Research & Development for John Paul Mitchell Systems and University Medical Products.

He serves on the board of directors of many natural and bio-synthetic ingredient supply companies and the technical advisory board for three major industry journals.

Dr. DiSalvo has authored over 92 articles and has written, coauthored and/or contributed to the writing of 31 technical books, including The Chemistry & Manufacture of Cosmetics, considered to be the bible of the cosmetic and personal care industry.

Dr. DiSalvo teaches cosmetic science and related subjects at UCLA and has been a top lecturer of cosmetic science for eight universities.

He is a Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Emeritus Member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists.

He is a member of The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, The Association of Formulating Chemists, The American Academy of Science, the New York Academy of Science, and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Dr. DiSalvo has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows around the world and has been featured in over 100 articles in international publications and magazines reporting on his leading work and contributions to beauty in skin and hair care.

For further information from Dr. DiSalvo, please view https://vimeo.com/10703261

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Orange Daily Blog

23. Ingredient Details: Advanced Eye Complex

Advanced Eye Complex

This component in the system targets only the cells that are damaged, eliminating overloading normal cells with nutrients. Key ingredients include: Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4 – as effective as retinol, but less irritating; small-molecule sodium hyaluronate, holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water. Vitamin C counteracts free radical and sun damage and stimulates collagen production. Vitamin E antioxidant helps maintain moisture and protects lipids and lipoproteins in cell membranes.

Meadow Foam Seed Oil (Limnanthes Alba) EMOLLIENT

  • flowers found in Northern California and Oregon.
  • most stable of all vegetable oils. Prevents other oils from oxidizing and going rancid.
  • oil has ability to extend the shelf life of products it is mixed into.
  • absorbs through the skin quickly without feeling “greasy.”
  • lays down a protective film that locks in moisture and delivers nutrients to skin.
  • powerful antioxidant and anti-aging properties.

Olive Leaf Fruit Oil Extract (Olea Europaea) EMOLLIENT

The olive, known by the botanical name Olea Europaea, meaning “European olive”, is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, producing silvery green leaves that are oblong, measuring 4 to 10 centimeters long and 1 to 3 centimeters wide. The primary active compounds in olive leaf extract are oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, as well as polyphe­nols and flavonoids, including luteolin, rutin, caffeic acid, catechin and apigenin. Olive polyphenols are more concentrated in the leaves compared with olive fruit or olive oil. Olive leaf extract is used in skin care products because the phenolic com­pounds found in the olive leaf have strong free radical scavenging capacity. The compounds rutin, luteolin, and catechin exert antioxidant effects almost 2.5 times higher than those of vitamins C and E. Antioxidants help to protect the skin from free radicals, the unstable molecules that contrib­ute to the formation of premature wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. Lastly, the oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol found in olive leaf extract demonstrate anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Jojoba Seed Oil (Simmondsia Chinesis) EMOLLIENT

  • speeds up wound healing / increases wound closure.
  • collagen stimulator.
  • anti-aging by binding UV induced metallopro-teinase that cause UV ray degradation of collagen.
  • moisturizer for improved skin feel.

Silicone (Cyclopentasiloxane) EMOLLIENT

  • capacity to remove wrinkles, skin blemishes or stubborn effects of rosacea.
  • soothes and softens skin by keeping moisture locked in.
  • corrects dryness of skin by preventing water loss.
  • lubricant, stretches water layer on skin.

Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate – SAP) VITAMIN

Most forms of vitamin C are water-soluble molecules with low transdermal efficiency. In many cases, only a portion of vitamin C applied will penetrate the skin to reach the dermis and epidermis layer. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is itself easily oxidized and will break down in the presence of light and air, rendering it ineffective. SAP is a more efficient chemical for transdermal vitamin C delivery to the deeper layers of the skin. It provides the same benefits of vitamin C, but is more stable to overcome skin delivery problems associated with vitamin C.


SAP is converted to vitamin C by chemicals within the skin, allowing it to penetrate deeper into the skin. It is effective in:

  • anti-aging.
  • pigment reduction.
  • antioxidant photodamage repair.
  • protection from free radical damage.
  • synthesis and stabilization of skin collagen and elastin.
  • acne treatment.
  • skin moisturization.

Glycerin – HUMECTANT

  • made from vegetable fat.
  • improves skin health and appearance.
  • anti-aging by stabilizing collagen.
  • natural exfoliant-preventing flaky, dry skin.
  • hydrates the stratum corneum and produces a reservoir in the corneum.
  • absorbs its weight in water over a period of a few days.
  • acts as a moisturizing irrigant for dry skin.
  • anti-irritant, protective function of skin against irritation.

Yeast Extract – BOTANICAL

In the laboratory, different yeasts can be “programmed” to create different biproducts beneficial for:

  • super-hydration.
  • anti-aging, improves wrinkling, age spots and slack skin.
  • collagen production, improving skin firmness.
  • skin lightening, removal of dark spots by regulating production of tyrosinase, a key ingredient in melanin production.

Orange Peel Oil (Citrus Dulcis) ESSENTIAL OIL

  • usually a phytochemical “d-limonene.”
  • antioxidant, anticancer, antifungal, anti-aging, antibacterial.
  • aids in increasing the absorption of vitamin C.
  • muscle relaxing.
  • skin cleaning.

Sodium Hyaluronate – HUMECTANT

Youthful skin retains its turgor, resilience, and flexibility due to its high content of water. As the skin loses moisture due to both internal and external factors, it begins to show signs of aging, such as lines, wrinkles, sagging, and flaking. Since sodium hyaluronate is the key molecule involved with skin moisture, a strong relationship exists between skin aging and the levels of sodium hyaluronate. According to the scholarly journal Dermato-Endocrinology, the most dramatic histochemical change observed in aging skin is the marked disappearance of sodium hyaluronate in the epidermis (the top layer of skin). It is not known why this occurs.

Butylene Glycol – HUMECTANT

  • allows skin penetration for other ingredients.
  • thins creams making them less “greasy”and more enjoyable to use.
  • acts as a solvent so that ingredients mix.

Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4 PEPTIDE

  • related to the precursor of collagen.
  • as effective against wrinkles as retinol, but does not cause skin irritation, a common side effect of retinoids. This proves important in treating extremely sensitive skin around the eyes.
  • repairs sun-damaged skin without adverse side effects.

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Orange Daily

22. Ingredient Details: Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Complex

Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Complex – This nighttime component rejuvenates skin. OrangeDaily was the first to combine three types of vitamin A – Retinol,

Retinyl Acetate and Retinyl Palmitate with topical vitamin C to create a most effective anti-aging component in the system. This Tri-Retinol Complex stimulates cell renewal, strengthens and firms, stimulates epidermal cell renewal and reduces lines and wrinkles. Topical vitamin C antioxidant counteracts free radical damage, sun damage and stimulates collagen. OrangeDaily Anti-Aging Tri-Retinol Complex is a unique combination of antioxidants, emollients and emulsifiers featuring Retinol ingredients. Retinoids are found in skin cells (keratinocytes) where they function as anti-oxidants. Retinoic acid (Tretinoin) has been used by dermatologists to slow skin aging, improve skin color, remove skin color irregularities and clear up acne, but with adverse side effects that cause skin irritation, skin “burning” and increased sun sensitivity. All three forms of retinol ingredients in OrangeDaily Tri-Retinol Complex combine in low dosages to synergistically produce the desired effects of Tretinoin without the adverse reactions. OrangeDaily Tri-Retinol Complex provides an effective alternative in improving wrinkling, controlling acne and diminishing skin discoloration.

Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate) VITAMIN

Improves skin appearance by:

1. inhibition of collagenase (an enzyme that breaks down collagen,) making the skin firmer and more flexible.

2. increases epidermal proliferation. A normal cell turnover cycle is 28 days. Retinyl Palmitate reduces this time to 14-16 days. This results in thicker, “plumper” skin. This also improves acne treatment, softens skin, lifts dark spots and reduces wrinkles.

3. helps peel away age spots and blemishes.

4. antioxidant, limits oxidative damage caused by free radicals – internal (peroxisomes, phago-cytes, enzymes) and external (UV radiation, pollution, alcohol, smoke, pesticides, heavy metals.) These free radicals are highly reactive molecules that damage cellular structures, including DNA, proteins, carbohydrates or cellular membranes. This process is termed “oxidative stresses.”

Vitamin A (Retinol) VITAMIN

  • a weaker form of Tretinoin.
  • improves skin aging, skin color (removes many irregularities) and clears up acne without the adverse effects of Tretinoin that produces skin irritation, burning and sun sensitivity.

Vitamin A Acetate (Retinyl Acetate) VITAMIN

  • yet another form of retinol with potential anti-neoplastic and chemo-preventative activities.
  • uses the same binding principles to free radicals as Retinyl Palmitate. Also, less irritating to the skin than Retinol or Retinoic Acid.

Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate – SAP) VITAMIN

Most forms of vitamin C are water-soluble molecules with low transdermal efficiency. In many cases, only a portion of vitamin C applied will penetrate the skin to reach the dermis and epidermis layer. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is itself easily oxidized and will break down in the presence of light and air, rendering it ineffective. SAP is a more efficient chemical for transdermal vitamin C delivery to the deeper layers of the skin. It provides the same benefits of vitamin C, but is more stable to overcome skin delivery problems associated with vitamin C.

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Skin Cream

21. Ingredient Details: Dual Action Lightening Cream

Dual Action Lightening Cream

This system component balances the complexion. Sun exposure leads to activation of the enzyme tyrosinase and an increase melanin production, determining pigmentation. This formula naturally lightens skin and “age spots” using vitamin C and lactic acid to suppress tyrosinase, regulating

melanin. Lactic acid also helps skin to renew and maintain moisture balance. Vitamin C protects against free radical and sun damage from UVA and UVB rays and stimulates collagen.

Fermented Sugar (Sodium Lactate) SKIN CONDITIONER

  • a natural constituent of the stratum corneum.
  • a preservative enhancer.
  • a buffering agent that reduces the acidity of the product. Balancing the pH of the product is important in order to match the skin’s neutral pH. If the product is acidic, it can irritate the skin. If the product is basic, it can deplete the skin of essential lipids, making the skin more susceptible to acne.
  • humectant moisturizer – sodium lactate is an incredible water-loving molecule. It has been
  • reported to increase the moisture of the skin by as much as 84%.
  • bacteriostatic (stops bacteria from reproducing.)
  • increases the preservative properties of the whitening cream.

Fractionalized Coconut Oil and Glycerin (Capylic/Capric Triglyceride Emollient) SKIN CONDITIONING AGENT

Fractionalization is melting of coconut oil and allowing it to cool slowly, separating the different oils based on their specific melting points.

Capylic/Capric acids are saturated, medium-chained triglycerides found within the coconut oil. This ingredient next goes through a process called “saponification,” followed by “esterification” to form a “less-greasy”, more stable saturated fat. This ingredient is used because it is:

  • rapidly absorbed into the skin.
  • non-greasy barrier of lubrication.
  • moisturizing.
  • antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory.

Glycerin – HUMECTANT

  • anti-aging.
  • stabilizes collagen and accelerates healing process.
  • a natural exfoliant—keratolytic effect, helping with desquamation of the skin’s natural exfoliat-ing process that breaks down cells, preventing dull, flaky skin. This in turn improves the skin’s appearance.
  • moisturizing, softens and lubricates the skin.
  • anti-irritant, influences protective skin function.
  • hydrating, absorbs its own weight in water over a period of a few days. This creates a reservoir of moisture in the stratum corneum.
  • fights the effects of topical skin conditions such as psoriasis.

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Orange Daily Blog

20. Ingredient Details: Daily Moisturizer

Daily Moisturizer – With clean skin toned at the proper pH, OrangeDaily moisturizing cream provides protection, formulated with vitamin C plus other antioxidant and anti-aging ingredients. Vitamin E antioxidant protection helps maintain moisture balance and nutrients. Green tea extract is a free radical scavenger that soothes irritated inflamed skin and aids in hydration to help prevent the appearance of premature aging. Ginkgo Biloba is included in the formula as a botanical extract that helps stimulate circulation.

Isopropyl Palmitate – EMOLLIENT

  • skin texture enhancer.

Green Tea Leaf Extract (Camellia Oleifera Leaf Extract) BOTANICAL

  • antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory.
  • inhibits body’s immune suppression and skin cancer induction that typically follows UVB exposure.
  • reduces UVB-caused inflammation.
  • sun blocking by reducing damaging UV-induced free radicals.
  • can reduce wrinkling and sagging of skin.

Glycerin – HUMECTANT

  • anti-aging.
  • stabilizes collagen and accelerates healing process.
  • natural exfoliant—keratolytic effect, helping with desquamation of the skin’s natural exfoliating process that breaks down cells, preventing dull, flaky skin. This in turn improves the skin’s appearance.
  • moisturizing, softens and lubricates the skin.
  • anti-irritant
  • influences protective function of the skin.
  • hydrating, absorbs its own weight in water over a period of a few days. This creates a reservoir of moisture in the stratum corneum.
  • fights the effects of topical skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Glyceryl Stearate HUMECTANT

  • derived from palm kernel, vegetable or soy oil.
  • also found naturally in the human body.
  • lubricant of the skin surface, providing a soft, smooth appearance.
  • easily penetrates the skin.
  • slows the loss of water from the skin.
  • protects the skin from free-radical damage.
  • reduces the greasiness of other oils that are used in cosmetics.

Sweet Almond Oil (Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis) BOTANICAL EMOLLIENT

  • beneficial fats that reduce skin dryness and itching, leaving the skin healthy and softer.
  • rich in vitamin E.
  • antioxidant free radical protection, prevents premature wrinkles, prevents transepidermal water loss.

Sesame Seed Oil (Sesamum Indicum) BOTANICAL EMOLLIENT

  • contains vitamin E.
  • natural sunscreen.
  • moisturizes skin.
  • contains linoleic acids, stearic acids.
  • anti-aging, decreasing wrinkles and fine lines.
  • detoxifies skin. Many toxins are soluble in oil.
  • easily absorbed into the skin, helps repair damaged skin and improve blood circulation.
  • antibacterial.

Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate – SAP) VITAMIN

Most forms of vitamin C are water-soluble molecules with low transdermal efficiency

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