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Orange Daily Blog

40. Guest Blog: Use the System! Roger George

Hello, my name is Roger George and I’ve been using the OrangeDaily products for over 9 months. I thought I might share what I’ve personally learned about using the products for the most effective results – even after discovering I was using it incorrectly for a while!

To set the stage for you, I’m 69 and I’ve spent most of my life outdoors in the sun, first growing up on a farm, then in training as an Olympic class Decathlete (1976 U.S. Olympic Decathlon Team Alternate.) Later, I became a professional fishing guide and a well-known weekly fishing columnist. All of these pursuits have constantly kept me in the sun, as well as in the public media and it’s been a battle trying to keep my skin in decent shape after all the abuse. Like most older guys, I was concerned about the long- term sun damage I’d already endured. Like many, I didn’t know what to do at this point in my life to improve my skin’s health and appearance, except to use sunscreen!

When I began using OrangeDaily last year, I was immediately impressed by the initial results. However, I found out later that I was actually missing the boat by just selectively using the products I thought I needed for several months.  That’s when I realized that I wasn’t applying them correctly as a complete system.

Once I made the change and began using all the seven OrangeDaily Starter Kit products in the right order, I immediately saw improved overall results in my skin. Dr. Lewis had told me that the system had been designed so that each product would enhance the effectiveness of the others, and he was right.

In a short time after using the seven OrangeDaily starter kit products as a system, I was first surprised when I first began noticing how my skin looked after a day out in hot bright conditions. The incredible thing was that after years of coming home sunburned, I realized my skin wasn’t red or hurting me at all now!  I tried it out again and again, in tough on-the-water conditions, especially known for sunburns, and I was amazed each time how well it worked – unexpected serendipity!

The next thing that really stood out was that the softness of my skin was greatly improved, and my longtime burn wrinkles actually diminished immediately. I honestly began feeling I had much softer and better-looking skin than ever, as well as fewer wrinkles. I was looking younger and healthier. There was now actually hope of undoing years of damage for me.

Lastly, I also began noticing that some of my stubborn blemishes were actually going away, a miracle after years of trying to treat them.  These were persistent and annoying, and I hated them.  I had tried to cover them up, but now I’ve seen them going away week by week.

Actual tangible results on several levels impressed me. I not only saw big improvements in my skin, but I also feel this is helping revitalize and protect my skin overall. I found that using the products as a system is the key.

Most of us older guys are working hard to stay fit, but I believe that many men are now just beginning to realize that their skin’s health is just as big a part of their total fitness and health as time in the gym. This OrangeDaily system has been the answer to my skin health concerns and I think my skin will look better at 70 than it does now. I love what it’s done for me. I highly recommend it!

 Dr. Lewis adds – I had a similar revelation as Roger concerning the proper usage of OrangeDaily products. For over a year, I used only the cleanser, toner and serum. Yes, I saw improvement in my skin. But the more I studied the science behind our products, the more I began to see that ALL of the ingredients contributed to my desire to properly nourish my skin and create optimal health and beauty. Here are a few cliff notes concerning the OrangeDaily system:

The OrangeDaily Cleanser is not only an excellent skin cleaner but has vitamin C and contributes to the reservoir effect of vitamin C in the dermal layer of the skin.

 Complementing the Cleanser, the OrangeDaily Toner not only balances the pH of the skin, so that the other products become more effective, but also contains other helpful ingredients promoting skin health. Vitamin C is an ingredient that is also in the Toner, contributing to the reservoir effect.

Now that the skin is properly prepared, apply a thin coat of the 10% Serum, avoiding the sensitive area around your eyes. If it stings a little, that’s good! OrangeDaily vitamin C is chemically stabilized to last up to 4 years in the container, so it you feel a tiny acid sting, that means it’s very active and working. And you’re still adding vitamin C to your reservoir.

Next, apply a thin coating of Moisturizer, and head out to meet your day.  Or, for extra protection and hydration, as an option, apply a little Age-Defying Eye Complex to the sensitive skin under and beside your eyes, for extra moisture and wrinkle reduction.

The next product in our System is Tri-Retinol complex, a mixture of three vitamin A types that can reduce wrinkles and fine lines by causing the skin to renew itself faster, moving the new skin to the surface sooner, by several days.  It’s best not to use this stronger Tri-Retinol formula when you’re out in the sun, unless you apply a sunscreen of 50 SPF or stronger.  But at night, the Tri-Retinol is perfect for rejuvenating your skin while you sleep.

 And if you have some dark spots like “sun spots” or “liver spots” that we call hyperpigmentation, just apply some Brightening Cream to reduce the melanin that causes dark spots. It will also even out any dark patches that have built up over the years of over exposure to the sun.

The nightly regimen is similar to the daytime routine: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer, Eye Complex, Tri-Retinol and Brightening Cream for dark spots.

So, there you have it, 7 steps to healthier and younger-looking skin for guys and gals! 

Cleanser – Toner – Serum – Moisturizer – Eye Complex – Tri-Retinol – Brightening

Try the OrangeDaily Seven-Step System, both day and night, for healthier skin.

Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin and Beautiful Skin is Healthy Skin.

Dr. Dave

EVERY DAY! WITHOUT FAIL!Spirit * Soul *  Mind * Body

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Orange Daily Blog

39. Collagen and Elastin-The Topical Vitamin C-Connection

Collagen is a protein that supports and your tissues and literally holds your body together, natural protein, the building blocks of skin structure. It is the main component of connective tissue. About 80% of the inner layer (dermis,) is collagen. Collagen strengthens your skin. Elastin enables your skin to stretch and bounce back. It is stretchy, elastic. Together, they are a powerful force in skin health – if you take care of them with proper nutrition and topical formulations that add to the nourishment of a good diet.

Where does collagen come from?

The body naturally makes its own collagen by breaking down dietary protein into amino acids. The amino acids build the various types of proteins in the body, including collagen. You get building blocks for collagen from protein-rich foods and a variety of fresh produce. Fresh vegetables and fruit also provide antioxidants, which protect the body from oxidative stress that degrades collagen. Your skin is your largest organ. The same way you nourish collagen stores throughout your body will nourish your skin, too.

As you age, your ability to produce collagen decreases, and your skin structure begins to break down, resulting in fine lines, “crepey” skin and wrinkles, stiffer, less flexible tendons and ligaments, shrinking, weakening muscles, joint pain or osteoarthritis due to worn cartilage, gastrointestinal problems due to thinning of the lining in your digestive tract.  Excess sun exposure, smoking and poor diet can also inhibit collagen production in younger people.

Vitamin C Boosts Your Ability to Produce Collagen

Collagen helps to strengthen, hydrate and promote elasticity of the skin, resulting in a reduction of fine lines and smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin. By applying vitamin C topically, you keep your skin tighter and firmer naturally.

 Topical vitamin C has been proven in clinical studies to:

  • help stimulate collagen
  • hydrate and plump skin
  • diminish fine lines and wrinkles
  • bind free radicals that oxidize and destroy skin vitality
  • lighten dark spots
  • regulate and balance pigmentation irregularities

Applied in a conscientious, daily application program over a 60 to 90-day period, topical vitamin C – has been proven to promote collagen production, protect skin from sun damage, reduce under-eye circles, accelerate healing, reduce skin discoloration, keep skin looking younger, improve hydration and moisture, reduce inflammation to enable brighter, healthier skin.

More Facts About Collagen

Collagen refers to a family of proteins that are the main structural component of connective tissues, such as skin and cartilage. The substance makes up about a third of all the protein in the human body, more than any other type of protein in the body by mass. There are 28 different types of collagen, each type categorized based on its amino acid composition. About 90% of the collagen in the body is Type 1, which is found in the skin, tendons, internal organs and organic parts of bone. Most of the remaining collagen in the body is made up of the following types: Type 2, found in the cartilage; Type 3, found in the bone marrow and lymphoid tissues; Type 4, found in the thin sheets of collagen that surround most types of tissues; Type 5: found in the hair and the surfaces of cells.

Add Topical Vitamin C to Your Skin Care Regimen

Keep the collagen and elastin coming!  Add foods rich in vitamin C to your diet, eliminate sugar and animal fat, focus on fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts, whole grains and WATER!  Guard yourself against dehydration, and your collagen will thank you!  Above all, add topical vitamin C to your daily skin care regimen. Use products that are formulated with a balanced mixture of stable and effective L-ascorbic acid – vitamin C – with other clinically proven vitamin and botanical ingredients, produced and packaged by a cGMP cosmeceutical laboratory to get daily vitamin C therapy and regimen that provides optimal skin protection, repair, restoration and rejuvenation.

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Blog 38

38. Topical Vitamin C + Hyaluronic Acid for Crow’s Feet

Have you noticed tiny lines, commonly known as “crow’s feet”, multiplying at the corners of your eyes? You can diminish these wrinkles around your eyes and prevent new ones from appearing with skincare products that include topical vitamin C with hyaluronic acid, proven to help plump skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

In this article, we’ll explore the anti-aging benefits of topical vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, individually as well as combined. These two important skincare ingredients have been clinically proven to produce dramatic results when used consistently, over time.

What Causes “Crow’s Feet”?

“Crow’s Feet” is a nickname for the tiny lines that begin forming around your eyes as you get older. This isn’t just a problem for older ladies, since it’s not uncommon for these lines to show up on faces even in the 20s. All of the following contribute to their formation:

  • Laughter
  • Crying
  • Tugging on the eye area
  • Smoking
  • Environmental pollutants

Because the eye area is the most delicate part of the face with thinner skin and fewer oil glands to hold in moisture, fine lines usually begin forming here first. Use a gentle touch around the eyes, and consider giving up smoking for your internal health as well as your skin health. Laughing and crying are a part of life that can’t be avoided, but a quality skincare product can help protect your skin from environmental pollutants.

Is Topical Vitamin C Good for the Skin?

Fruits and vegetables provide essential antioxidants in our diet, but the vitamin C making it to the epidermal skin layers through diet alone is reduced. Vitamin C has been clinically proven to support collagen production, even out skin tones, reduce under-eye circles, accelerate healing and improve skin hydration to give your skin a more youthful appearance.

Vitamin C is known, however, to be an unstable, easily oxidized antioxidant when exposed to light and air. SAP is the best choice for the transdermal application of vitamin C as it can penetrate the epidermis into the dermis layer of the skin. Look for skincare formulations that counteract this problem by using sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP), the most stable and easily absorbable form of vitamin C available.

What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule naturally formed in the body and found in connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and skin, with the amazing ability to act as a protective barrier in our skin, holding up to a thousand times its molecular weight in water. It locks in moisture and blocks out dryness. This is especially important for use around the eyes since the skin in that area does not have sufficient oil glands to shield natural moisture.

Skin becomes dryer and thinner as we age. Hyaluronic acid used topically can bring back moisture to the skin. As it increases moisture, it may work to plump skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, hyaluronic acid is a gentle, nourishing ingredient that supports skin healing.

How Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid Work Together

These two ingredients produce amazing results on their own. By combining them, they work together in the most sensitive area of your face. Results can include:

  • Increased moisturize in skin
  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increased production of collagen and elastin
  • More even skin tone
  • Smoother complexion
  • Reversed sun damage
  • Reduction in acne or blemishes

Take Care of Your Largest Organ

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and serves an important purpose by acting as our first line of defense from our environment. Protecting our skin with quality products should be a priority. Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are key skincare ingredients that can decrease the appearance of “crow’s feet” and help hydrate your skin.

Consistency is key. Just like one workout won’t make you fit, and one application of even the best skincare product won’t reverse years of damage. Use these products daily over several weeks to see preliminary results. After several months of use, you’ll see measurable improvements of skin damage, fine lines and wrinkles. Consider the addition of topical vitamin C products to your daily skincare routine as a lifestyle change. By adding these products for the long-term, you’ll not only see visible changes in your skin, but you’ll also be taking a pro-active step to prevent future damage.

Consistency is key. Just like one workout won’t make you fit, and one application of even the best skincare product won’t reverse years of damage. Use these products daily over several weeks to see preliminary results. After several months of use, you’ll see measurable improvements of skin damage, fine lines and wrinkles. Consider the addition of topical vitamin C products to your daily skincare routine as a lifestyle change. By adding these products for the long-term, you’ll not only see visible changes in your skin, but you’ll also be taking a pro-active step to prevent future damage.

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

36. Reducing Blemishes with Topical Vitamin C

Acne is a common skin ailment that negatively affects more than 50 million Americans each year. While most cases occur in people ages 12 to 24, it’s possible to deal with blemishes continuing into your 30s and beyond. What’s the best way to combat outbreaks? Consider using a skincare product containing topical vitamin C to provide the nourishment your skin needs to control acne.

In this article, we’ll explore the facts about this vitamin, its benefits to your skin and how it can provide nourishment and healing from the inside out.

The Science of Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and has a specific role to fulfill that no other organ in the body can: to protect your bones, muscles, and internal organs from external threats such as bacteria and injuries and to help regulate body temperature.

Skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis is the outermost layer (the one we see,) the dermis is the layer just beneath the epidermis, and the subcutaneous tissue is the deepest layer. Even if we suffer outbreaks or damaged skin, we’re fortunate that our skin has the amazing ability to regenerate by shedding dead skin cells, so we essentially have a new face when the cycle of regeneration is completed about every 28 days.

Facts About Blemishes

About 80% of all teens struggle with blemishes and acne. About 1% of adult men and 5% of adult women experience at least an occasional breakout as well. Blemishes affect millions of Americans every year. Major breakouts and unrelenting acne can make a person self-conscious and diminish quality of life.

There are several contributing factors to the onset of acne. A poor diet, hormonal changes and overactive sebaceous glands that produce oil on the skin’s surface that often results in an inflammatory response, a “breakout.” The skin becomes inflamed, red and irritated. Pimples or blackheads appear on the surface.

About Vitamin C

Vitamin C, whether consumed in fruits and vegetables, as a dietary supplement or through a diet rich in green vegetables, berries, and citrus fruits, has proven to be a safe and effective antioxidant for keeping our bodies healthy. In addition to benefits to overall health, topical vitamin C has also proven beneficial to our skin, including

  • protection of skin from sun damage and environmental toxins
  • promotion of collagen production
  • reduction of under-eye circles
  • reduction of skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation)
  • improvement in skin’s youthful appearance
  • improvement in hydration and moisture
  • reduction in inflammation
  • healing acceleration

Most forms of vitamin C are easily oxidized and poorly absorbed, so use only skincare products that are formulated and packaged to minimize oxidation and maximize absorption. Commonly known as vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid is the most easily absorbed form and has been proven safe and effective for daily skin care use on most types of skin.

How Vitamin C Reduces Blemishes

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C work in the outer epidermal layer to calm inflammation on the surface. This inflammation can complicate the clogged pores which produce blemishes. The consistent application of topical vitamin C skin care products will help reduce the frequency and severity of breakouts as well as reduce redness and irritation. As an antioxidant, topical vitamin C also works to reduce free radical damage that can trigger and worsen outbreaks.

L-ascorbic acid is also proven to accelerate skin healing, which can reduce the duration of breakouts. When breakouts occur, the antioxidants in topical vitamin C will accelerate the healing process, so blemishes disappear more quickly with the possible prevention and improvement of acne scars, resulting in a healthier overall appearance.

While it’s extremely important to consume healthy foods for optimal overall health, using topical L-ascorbic acid can improve the texture of your skin and reduce blemishes. Be proactive and invest just a few minutes each day to care for your body’s largest organ with topical vitamin C skincare products. You could see measurable improvements in a few days and long-term results in two to three months.

Acne is a common skin ailment that negatively affects more than 50 million Americans each year. While most cases occur in people ages 12 to 24, it’s possible to deal with blemishes continuing into your 30s and beyond. What’s the best way to combat outbreaks? Consider using a skincare product containing topical vitamin C to provide the nourishment your skin needs to control acne.

In this article, we’ll explore the facts about this vitamin, its benefits to your skin and how it can provide nourishment and healing from the inside out.

Contact us here for questions or comments.

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35. Topical Vitamin C or Botox? Take Your Pick

People have gone to great lengths to maintain their youthful appearance over the centuries. Intentional bee stings to plump lips, milk baths to promote skin softness and lead-laden foundations to lighten complexion are just a few of the techniques employed through the years. We now know there are much better ways. Topical vitamin C has been proven effective for wrinkle reduction, collagen production and more.

In today’s culture, medical procedures promise to help us wage war on the physical signs of aging. However, there are other options that are safer, healthier and less invasive than plastic surgery or Botox. In this article, we’ll explore how you can reduce fine lines and wrinkles with the skin-nourishing antioxidant properties of L-ascorbic acid, commonly known as topical vitamin C.

What Is Botox?

Most of us have heard of Botox, but what exactly is it? Cosmetic Botox is formulated from the same bacterial neurotoxin that causes deadly botulism when consumed in food. Injecting this FDA-approved neurotoxin into your facial muscles may reduce the appearance of wrinkles because it numbs the nerve endings so the facial muscles appear relaxed. Relaxed faces may not make lines.

However, there are several disadvantages to using Botox. To be dispensed safely, it must be done by a licensed professional. It’s also expensive, can be painful, can leave short-term redness and bruising at the injection site and is only temporary. To see long-term benefits from Botox treatments, you would need to have them repeated every three to six months. The results stop when you stop treatments.

The Uses of Topical C in Skin Care

Vitamin C has long been known for its wonderful antioxidant properties that contribute to overall good health and about the benefits this common vitamin has on our skin. L-ascorbic acid is known to be the most easily absorbed form of vitamin C.  When combined with humectants, emollients, botanicals and occlusives to bring you a product that lasts longer and works better than other forms of the antioxidant, it can penetrate to deliver sufficient amounts of antioxidants where they can produce the most beneficial results. Your skin will be replenished and rejuvenated from the inside out.

Collagen Production

Collagen is the protein that makes up the connective tissue in our bodies. Found in our joints, bones, cartilages, tendons, and skin, collagen helps hold us together. Unfortunately, collagen production naturally begins to wane once we’re past the age of 20-25. As this happens, you may notice your skin is less taut, it may begin sagging and fine lines and wrinkles may become noticeable. What can you do about it? Vitamin C is a necessary precursor for the formation of collagen. While supplementing your diet with foods rich in the antioxidant, it may not be enough to support sufficient collagen production in the skin. Instead, choose a quality topical vitamin C product that will stimulate your skin cells to increase collagen production.

Wrinkle Reduction

Fine lines and wrinkles are a common part of growing older. Topical vitamin C works within the layers of your skin in multiple ways to prevent and reduce wrinkles on the surface. Along with supporting collagen production and increasing elastin in your skin, vitamin C also puts its antioxidant power to good use by fighting free radicals, unstable molecules that are destructive to skin cells and contribute to unwanted lines on your face.

Topical vitamin C has also been proven to provide a myriad of skin benefits when used consistently. Just like an investment in a healthy diet is not a quick fix, neither is a new skincare routine. However, when followed consistently over a two to three-month period, expect to see a reduction in under-eye circles, skin discoloration and inflammation. You should also notice an improvement in hydration and moisture resulting in brighter, healthier-looking skin.

If injecting neurotoxins into your facial muscles (Botox) for short-term results isn’t appealing to you, perhaps you’ll consider including a topical vitamin C skincare regimen to produce long-term improvement and prevention of fine lines and wrinkles. You can manage the signs of aging without buying temporary, expensive and invasive treatments that may include unpleasant or dangerous side effects.

As with any healthy lifestyle change, be prepared to invest time consistently using the products for several weeks before seeing measurable results. Improvement can show in just a few days of a consistent topical vitamin C regimen, and the best long-term results are often seen after two to three months of daily use.

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Orange Daily Blog

34. Topical Vitamin C Rejuvenates Your Skin?

Everyone wants to look their best, and most people have a natural desire to preserve their youthful appearance. If you feel that you’ve lost your youthful glow, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to get it back. The answer may surprise you, but yes, there are healthy, non-surgical, non-toxic ways to achieve skin rejuvenation.  You don’t have to settle for dull, dry, wrinkled skin as you age. This article explores the use of topical vitamin C and the top seven reasons to employ it to maintain or replenish your youthful glow.

1. Our Bodies Don’t Produce or Store Vitamin C

While vitamin C is an essential nutrient for our bodies, we don’t produce or store this important antioxidant. Because of this, we need to consume vitamin C daily, through a healthy diet, important to overall health. But vitamin C may reach the skin in limited amounts, so a topical vitamin C product is ideal for skin health.

2. Vitamin C Promotes Tissue Repair

Epidermal tissue damage happens over time and for many reasons. If you are or were a smoker or if you’ve experienced sunburn, you may have skin damage. The good news is that you don’t have to live with damaged skin forever. Stop smoking, wear sunscreen and apply a topical vitamin C moisturizer to protect your skin from more damage. For enhanced healing, apply a product containing the most stable and absorbable forms of vitamin C. Vitamin C taken internally can help to speed the healing from simple ailments like the flu or common cold. Applied topically, this important antioxidant works to help heal and restore damaged tissue.

3. Vitamin C Supports Collagen Production

Collagen is a protein found in the skin and connective tissues of the body. Collagen is the skin support structure. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen resulting in weaker and thinner skin, showing fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen production is dependent on sufficient levels of vitamin C in the body. By using a quality topical vitamin C in your daily skincare regimen, you can reduce these unwanted signs of aging. L-ascorbic acid is a stable form of the antioxidant that is readily absorbed by the skin and promotes collagen production. Increased collagen production results in plumper, healthier-looking skin which results in reducing the appearance of wrinkles in the process.

4. Vitamin C Strengthens and Thickens Epidermal Layers

Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP) is a highly absorbable form of vitamin C. Because SAP is easily absorbed, it can penetrate to help enable hydrated skin. As new skin cells are produced in the deeper layers of the skin, Vitamin C promotes a more youthful appearance for the daily user of these products.

5. Vitamin C Increases Moisturization, Reducing Dry Skin

Exposure to the elements, whether cold, heat, wind or environmental pollutants can all result in dry skin. Dry skin is tired-looking and aged skin, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Along with a readily absorbable form of vitamin C, look for emollients and humectants in perfect balance to increase moisture and reduce dry skin. working together to produce the best results possible when used consistently over time.

6. Vitamin C Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Sun damage, inflammation, hormonal changes and skin injuries all contribute to skin discoloration, also known as hyperpigmentation. It seems to be more common among those with darker complexions and is normally influenced by excessive melanin production. Vitamin C is excellent at blocking the proteins that stimulate melanin production and can reduce skin discoloration by working to increase the speed at which new skin cells are generated. Thus, hyperpigmentation is exfoliated away.

7. Synergistic Results with a Topical Vitamin C Regimen

Select a milti-part skincare regimen that works synergistically in providing your skin with optimal nutrition resulting in optimal health and beauty. When used in the proper order, each product should contain ingredients that “prime” the skin for the next ingredient. When used consistently, you can build up a reservoir of skin-nourishing vitamin C in your skin. Vitamin C is a powerhouse antioxidant that has been proven to yield skin rejuvenation benefits. Let L-ascorbic acid go to work for you. Keep your skin healthy and rejuvenated with daily doses of topical vitamin C.

(Each carefully formulated ingredient in the OrangeDaily regimen is designed to produce maximum results for your skin when used consistently in the proper order. By investing a few minutes each day to take care of your skin, you’ll reap the rewards of a healthier, younger-looking appearance.)

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33. Retinol for Age Defying and Wrinkles

1. Combat Free Radicals

Antioxidants that help combat and neutralize free radicals are usually found in food. Free radicals are unstable molecules caused by natural processes as well as environmental pollutants. Free radicals have been linked to increasing the signs of aging and possibly contributing to certain diseases. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can combat those external signs of free radicals when applied to the skin on a consistent basis.

2. Reduce the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Collagen is an abundant protein enabling elasticity inside and outside your body including joints, tendons, and your skin. Vitamin C and retinol have both been proven to increase collagen production and together, they can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When combined properly and applied daily, you can significantly improve the youthfulness of your skin over time.

3. Reduce Blemishes

Inflammation is your body’s enemy. On the inside, inflammation can cause pain and contribute to disease formation. On the outside, inflammation can appear as skin redness or rashes, eczema or acne.

Because of the anti-inflammatory properties of both vitamin C and retinol, this combination applied to the skin regularly has produced great results in reducing acne, redness, and skin irritation.

4. Minimize Age Spots & Discoloration

Dermatologists have used retinol (a form of vitamin A) to minimize age spots and improve skin tones with great success. Retinol increases skin cell production and turnover which results in a faster and more efficient exfoliation process. Average skin cell cycles are 28 days, but with retinol, that time can be reduced by a few days. When dead skin cells are removed and new skin cells are produced at a faster than average rate, the new skin appears clearer and more vibrant.

5. Hydrate Skin Effectively

Dry skin is a common problem for many people and becomes even more common as your skin ages. Dehydrated skin can be itchy and flaky and results in a dull and aged appearance. In order to rehydrate and brighten your complexion, select a skincare formula that includes both vitamin C and retinol. These ingredients, when combined, can make your skin healthier with a higher level of hydration.

6. Reduce Under Eye Circles

When fat and collagen break down under the eye over time, the skin becomes thinner. Dark circles and under-eye puffiness become more noticeable. Counter this undesirable result with a product containing both vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, but avoid retinol around the sensitive skin under your eyes.  Vitamin C and retinol are both proven to stimulate collagen production and increase cell turnover, but vitamin C and hyaluronic acid combined can thicken under-eye skin and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

7. Minimize the Appearance of Scars with Accelerated Healing

Whether you have acne scars from your teen years or stretch marks from creating a family, vitamin C and retinol can help to reduce the visibility of these scars. The unique properties of vitamin C in the form of L-ascorbic acid penetrate the dermal layer to work from the inside out. Retinol increases skin cell turnover and exfoliation.

Together, they work to allow healthy skin to come to the surface, possibly resulting in the minimized appearance of scars.

8. Safe & Effective

Vitamin C and retinol have been shown to produce positive age-defying results when used consistently as part of a daily skincare regimen. Individually, they produce measurable and dramatic results like those listed above. In order to achieve even greater results, it is wise to choose a skincare regimen that combines these two ingredients into one product. Using these ingredients together delivers visible and measurable synergistic results.

(To alleviate the irritating effect of retinol, OrangeDaily combines three forms of vitamin A in lower, gentler, controlled amounts: retinyl palmitate, retinol, and retinol acetate. This combination delivers the best attributes of vitamin A with the least risk of negative side effects. The three forms of retinol are formulated with the most easily absorbed form of vitamin C, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate. These products are specially formulated to be shelf-stable for 4 years and protected from deterioration that is common among other skincare products that contain vitamin C.)

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32. Is Topical Vitamin C Actually Good For Your Skin?

1. Protects Your Skin from UV Exposure

Antioxidants do more than assist your body’s ability to fight disease. As an antioxidant, vitamin c also protects your skin by limiting ultraviolet radiation damage to skin cells, often caused by too much sun exposure, by neutralizing free radicals – molecules that cause skin tissue damage and contribute to a number of diseases like skin cancer.

2. Helps Regulate Your Body’s Ability to Produce Collagen

Collagen is the naturally occurring protein that is the building block of skin structure. As you age, your body’s ability to produce collagen begins to decrease, and your skin structure begins to break down, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C boosts your body’s ability to produce collagen lessening the appearance of your skin wrinkling as you age.

Collagen keeps your skin firm so that your skin sags less. By applying vitamin C topically, you keep your skin tighter and firmer naturally.

3. Vitamin C Cream Hydrates Skin

Vitamin C is included in many moisturizers because it helps reduce water loss in your skin. If you suffer from dry skin, vitamin C moisturizing cream can help your skin retain moisture.

4. Helps Heal Sunburn

Your skin cells are damaged by too much exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays when you get a sunburn. Topical vitamin C helps shield your skin if you use it before sun exposure, but after you’ve had too much exposure, topical vitamin C can help you repair skin cells.

5. Reduces Rough Skin

Topical vitamin C is acidic, so it helps remove dead skin cells, but it rarely causes skin irritation, making it safe for almost any skin type. Removing the layer of dead skin cells helps reveal the smooth new skin beneath, so your skin looks smoother and healthier.

6. Decreases Melanin Production

Melanin is a naturally occurring pigment in your body. The more melanin your body produces, the darker your skin will be. When light-skinned people tan, it’s because the body is producing extra melanin to try to protect from harmful UV rays. Vitamin C hinders melanin production, resulting in a clearer complexion. It helps even out your skin tone and fades sunspots and age spots. Vitamin C reduces the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.

7. Accelerates Healing

Vitamin C helps us heal internally as well as externally. Applying vitamin C topically expedites healing and fades the appearance of burns and cuts. The faster and more effectively a wound heals, the less likely you are to experience inflammation, infection and permanent scarring.

8. Helps Manage Acne

Acne is usually caused by a number of things, including:

  • Too much oil in your skin
  • Pores clogged by oil or dead skin cells
  • Bacteria
  • Inflammation of skin

Vitamin C can help reduce inflammation, help your body fight off bacteria and help remove dead skin cells, making it a triple threat to acne. It also helps reduce the hyperpigmentation in the areas of your body where acne is present, so even while your skin is healing, it has a better appearance.

Vitamin C has a host of benefits, from supporting a healthy immune system and helping support your body’s ability to heal to decreasing inflammation, hydrating and improving your skin’s overall appearance. Vitamin C is generally regarded as safe to use and natural. Unlike other cosmetic solutions that aim to cover-up problems, it helps fix those problems. If you are interested in adding vitamin C to your skin care regimen, read more in this library and start reaping the benefits of vitamin C for your skin!

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31. How to Benefit from 10% Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serum has become a popular solution for men and women who want to reduce the appearance of fine lines, uneven skin tone, acne scars, and other facial blemishes where so-called “beauty creams” fail. If you know how to use vitamin C serum properly, you can unlock the power of this vitamin to rejuvenate your skin and leave you looking younger and feeling more confident in your appearance.

What Is Vitamin C and What Does It Do?

L-ascorbic acid, known as Vitamin C, is a potent micronutrient that contains powerful antioxidants that help your skin regenerate naturally and more efficiently by fighting off harmful free radicals that rob healthy cells of their electrons, causing harmful oxidative stress. This contributes to cell damage and does not allow your skin to repair damaged skin cells optimally. This is why topical vitamin C is so important.

Applying a topical vitamin C serum provides your skin with a direct source of antioxidants that can help protect it from harmful external factors such as UV rays and air pollution. Both factors contribute to advanced signs of aging such as wrinkles and “crow’s feet,” clogging of pores, and a dull, older-looking complexion. Neutralizing their harmful effects with a potent vitamin C serum can reduce these visible signs of aging and help you restore a fresher, more youthful appearance.

Other Skin-Care Benefits of Vitamin C

While the antioxidant content in serum is helpful to maintain healthy-looking skin, vitamin C also has skin-healing properties that promote the increased production of elastin and collagen. These are naturally produced by the body and help to keep skin tight and wrinkle-free. As we age, our body produces less collagen causing our skin to sag and wrinkle.

Topical vitamin C serum also inhibits uneven melanin production in your skin. This is especially beneficial to those who have dark spots or uneven skin tone due to hyperpigmentation. Topical application of a vitamin C serum can reduce uneven skin tone and even prevent it in the first place.

What’s the Difference?

Not all vitamin C serums are created equally. Vitamin C on its own is very unstable. This means buying the wrong brand could mean applying a product that has a very poor shelf life and could possibly be inert when bought. (OrangeDaily contains the highest and most stable form of vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid and other antioxidant-rich nutrients such as vitamin A and E, for overall skin health.)

How to Use Vitamin C Serum in Your Daily Skin Care Routine

For best results, apply serum to your skin in the morning and night after cleansing and toning your face. Allow the serum to absorb into your skin for 30 minutes before applying any makeup. If your face feels dry throughout the day, you can apply a small amount of serum to replenish the moisture in the skin.

Who Should Use Vitamin C Serum

A topical vitamin C serum is ideal for men and women who want to reduce and/or prevent visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, sunspots and other blemishes. These types of skin problems begin to form when we reach our 30’s, which is around the time that our natural collagen production begins to slow down.  Poor lifestyle choices such as a poor diet, alcohol and drug consumption and overexposure to harmful UV rays might make it necessary to begin applying a vitamin C serum sooner. A topical vitamin C serum, often not sufficiently provided by most commercial sunscreens, also works for adults who want to keep their skin protected from UVB and UVA rays. If you have sensitive skin or skin allergies, try a very small amount on one part of your face to see if a reaction occurs. Serum is also not recommended for children. 

A Wealth of Information

Clinical research has proven that a high-quality topical vitamin C serum actually does work. Don’t let the aging process diminish the confidence you have in your appearance. You can grow older and still have youthful radiant skin with a high-quality vitamin C serum.

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30. 5 Topical Vitamins for Acne Control

Acne Vulgaris, more commonly known as acne, is an inflammatory skin condition that can cause pimples and large blemishes. It can affect all genders and all ages, although it is most common in adolescents. Vitamin C has been proven to be an effective anti-inflammatory and shields the skin against environmental stressors that can lead to acne.

5 Tips for Using Vitamin C for Acne

1. Cleanse

A gentle cleanser should be the first step in any daily skincare regimen. A good cleanser should wash away dirt, makeup, dead skin cells, and impurities from the skin without drying out or aggravating it. If this build-up of toxins is left on the skin, it can clog pores and contribute to acne, dehydrated skin and aging.

Using a vitamin C enriched cleanser will help to neutralize free radicals and act as a shield against the environmental stressors you encounter every day. Look for a cleanser that also contains hydrolyzed oat protein, molasses extract, and witch hazel extract. These ingredients help to moisturize, hydrate, soften, tighten, and tone the skin.

2. Tone

A good toner should adjust and balance the pH levels of the skin, allowing further products to deliver benefits in a neutral pH situation, and will rid the skin of any dirt left over after cleansing. It will prep the skin for the next step in your skincare regime, provide extra hydration, tone and tighten.

Most importantly, unbalanced pH levels have been found to affect Acne Vulgaris natural bacteria that live on the skin. However, when the skin’s pH shifts slightly towards an alkaline state, they can thrive and contribute to acne.

3. Use a Serum

A vitamin C serum will deliver a higher concentrate of vitamin C and provide benefits for those affected by acne. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C neutralizes free radicals and toxins from the skin. It also encourages the production of collagen and new skin cells while helping to regulate the buildup of melanin. This increases the skin’s ability to heal itself from acne and helps to repair and fade acne scars. (The OrangeDaily 10% Vitamin C Serum also contains vitamins A and E, giving triple antioxidant shielding to the skin. Furthermore, vitamin A stimulates epidermal renewal and improves skin elasticity.)

4. Moisturize

Acne sufferers may also have oily or greasy skin, so using a moisturizer may seem counterintuitive. Excess oil can clog pores and lead to breakouts. But a good quality moisturizer can help regulate the production of oil while preventing the skin from becoming dry and irritated.

The vitamin C and other natural ingredients found in a high-quality moisturizing cream enhance skin texture, reduce and soothe inflammation, accelerate the healing process, naturally break down dead skin cells, detoxify, fade scars and help to fight acne.

5. Use a Lightening Cream

When acne clears, you may be left with hyperpigmentation and scaring in the effective areas. Vitamin C regulates the production of melanin, a natural pigment that causes these dark spots. A vitamin C enriched brightening cream with lactic acid can help to brighten and improve skin tone, fade dark patches created by acne and promote the radiance of healthy skin.

The Importance of a Skincare Regimen

It is important to follow a conscientious and intelligent skincare regimen to get the full potential from the products you are using and to see the best possible results. Intended as a long-term solution, you will see significant, long-lasting results within a few days and more permanent improvements in 60-90 days.

Select only products that are formulated to complement each other as a system, applied in a specific order – cleanse, tone, moisturize, shield, restore, repair, rejuvenate. Each product primes the skin for the next, allowing full benefits of all the ingredients to penetrate deep within the layers of the skin and provide optimal nutrition. Make sure that all the products contain an element of Vitamin C and when combined to produce a reservoir of vitamin C in the skin.  This reservoir ensures the continual supply of vitamin C and other ingredients within the skin, providing their effectiveness every day.

Vitamin C and Acne-Prone Skin: A Summary

Vitamin C can deliver a wealth of benefits to promote optimal skin health. Because of its antioxidant properties, vitamin C works to neutralize and banish acne-causing free radicals and protect the skin from the damage they can cause and its anti-inflammatory properties can also help to reduce acne-related redness and swelling, improving your appearance. Vitamin C increases the synthesis of collagen, a vital protein for rebuilding healthy skin and accelerates the healing of acne wounds. Finally, it helps to brighten the skin and fade dark spots and scars. Vitamin C can be used to help treat a range of skin ailments, in fact, the American Academy of Dermatology states: “Topical vitamin C should be used by everyone, every day. No other product ingredient provides more therapy to the skin.” Continue in this library for more information on how topical vitamin C can help acne-prone skin.

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