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Orange Daily Blog

50. An Open Mind Approach to Skin Health

Just for a few minutes, I need you to open your mind to a new concept. For many years as a practicing dentist, I treated people whose only reason for seeking dental care was to be treated for a problem that was obvious to them. They avoided routine visits and only sought care if they fractured a front tooth or had a toothache that was causing them an unbelievable amount of pain. Typically, most of these people had no idea about their many other dental problems that were ravaging their dentition. They were solely basing their beliefs and decisions on what they could see or feel, avoiding the reality of their condition. I learned that educating these people using photos of their teeth and explaining their current situation in language they understood was the key to leading them towards important, sound decisions about their dental health. I would usually start my consultations with the following advice: “If these were my teeth, these are the decisions that I would be making, if this were me, my goal would be to bring my teeth to optimal health, and these are the steps I would take.” I knew from experience that only fixing the perceived problem was never a long-term healthy decision. What these patients were convinced they needed was many times far different than what they truly required to gain dental health.

Today, I am involved in very different profession as the director for scientific information for OrangeDaily products. Yet, in many ways, there are striking similarities between my past and present occupations. Instead of promoting healthy teeth, I find myself endorsing healthy skin. Comparable to our teeth, our skin is often poorly maintained, resulting in cumulative damages that can affect our overall health. In either instance, prevention is the best way to avoid the future pain and disappointment caused by neglecting proper care. Also, people are often uneducated or make poor decisions about their daily home care routines. It’s interesting how so many of us are unwilling to floss for 1 minute every day to save our teeth from gum disease. It is equally perplexing why some people fail to provide their skin with missing nutrients and vitamins each day to keep themselves from looking old and helping in the prevention of skin cancer. Finally, I was always puzzled with some of the poor choices in oral care products, such as hard toothbrushes that destroyed enamel and strange toothpaste ingredients that some of my patients thought superior to proven and recommended home care products. Similarly, there are many people who purchase skin care products without understanding the true nutritional needs of their skin.  As I have become more and more knowledgeable about skin care, I realize that there is wealth of skin care products whose efficacy remains questionable.

Keeping these thoughts in mind, my educational journey in dermatology and pharmaceutical cosmetics has evolved to a level that I have developed a great appreciation for the true science in skin care. I have learned that if one relies upon food and supplemental vitamins for providing the skin with its nourishment, most of these supplements will go to other organs in the body. Furthermore, our bodies do not produce Vitamin C, which is the essential cornerstone for the health and protection of our skin. As I study the rationale of what constitutes proper skin nutrition, I have gained a very deep respect for the formulations in the OrangeDaily Vitamin C Skin Care System. Topically applied, these products are intended to ensure a steady supply of the vitamins and nutrients required for healthy skin.  I am often asked which of our 7 products is THE ONE product that should be used to remove wrinkles or age spots or nourish skin? This closed-minded question is like those dental patients of my past profession who wanted me to fix “the one perceived problem” that would make their teeth healthy. Our products rely upon each other to contribute and support the nutritional needs of the skin. Each product is another piece to the skin care puzzle. I have learned to admire how our master formulator, Dr. Ron DiSalvo, balanced all of the ingredients into this system and if used daily would combine to produce optimal skin health. This is a big picture, optimal care approach. To this point, I highly question whether there is a formulation that could truly provide a consumer an all-in-one product option for skin health. My advice is to use Dr DiSalvo’s brilliant formula in its entirety—all 7 products—to rejuvenate and shield your skin.

Remember: healthy skin is beautiful skin and beautiful skin is healthy skin.

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

49. Rejuvenate Your Skin While You Sleep

In past blogs, I discussed in depth the benefits of OrangeDaily’s cornerstone ingredient: Topical vitamin C. I pointed out that the largest organ in our body, the skin suffered from malnutrition if one relied on oral vitamins and food alone.  We discussed that a daily application of 10% of topical vitamin C provided the skin with the primary ingredient it needed to promote healthy skin. Vitamin C acted as a tremendous antioxidant, protecting the skin from damages created by the sun and other environmental stresses. Additionally, topical vitamin C was a huge promoter of elastin and collagen, the “skeleton” that promoted cells to “plump” thus removing wrinkles. Finally, we learned that topical vitamin C helped to eliminate skin discolorations such as age spots. It was also revealed that many forms of topical vitamin C found in skin care products are ineffective as a result of poor manufacturing standards, use of over-stabilized vitamin C and lack of proper additive ingredients used for driving the product into the deeper layers of the skin.

If vitamin C were the only ingredient in the OrangeDaily system, it would still provide efficacy in its’ daily use. But what OrangeDaily’s formulator, Dr. Ron DeSalvo had in mind was to provide the skin cells with a total system of ingredients and nutrients, providing the skin cells with many elements needed for optimal nourishment and health. Therefore, while topical vitamin C could be considered as the “main course”, DeSalvo created a “feast” of complimentary ingredients concocting a “banquet” for skin cells to thrive.

In earlier blogs it was noted that the morning regimen recommended starting with the Cleanser and Toner to prepare the skin. Additionally, these two products started the process of priming the skin with vitamin C, creating a reservoir effect and ensuring that an adequate supply of vitamin C would be available to the skin cells throughout the day. Following this, the 10% vitamin C serum was applied, followed by skin moisturizer to hydrate the tissue. If need, this was also the time to apply the eye complex cream, geared specifically for the delicate needs around the eye and/or the brightening cream to safely even out skin tone and age spots. All of these products are additionally seasoned with botanicals, emollients, essential oils and moisturizers. All ingredients were thoughtfully positioned to complement each other, working synergistically to give skin cells just what they need in the right amount and in the proper sequence.

If that were not enough, DeSalvo had the foresight to give the skin cell an additional boost. He created a nighttime age-defying cream to promote rapid cell turn over, rejuvenating skin cells while we sleep.  Retinol (also called vitamin A) has long been recognized for its age-defying, therapeutic effects. Vitamin A promotes rapid cell turnover. Skin cells are formed in the deeper dermal layers. As they mature, they migrate towards the skin surface until finally they die and are sloughed off. This process usually is a 40-to-50-day cycle. Vitamin A can shorten this process down to 16 days. As a result, skin rejuvenation is accelerated, magnifying the results of all of OrangeDaily’s fantastic ingredients, including vitamin C. Furthermore, retinol increases the production of collagen, promotes hydration, increases skin elasticity and helps reduce wrinkles. Vitamin A is also another antioxidant. Finally, retinol is used to control oily skin, acne, acne scars and helps to improve dull, dry skin.

While all of these features of Retinol seem like great news, there are major side effects to contend with using pure retinol. Applying retinol to sensitive skin subjects the user to a “scalding” effect, literally burning the skin if overused. This reaction can be further complicated if the user applies retinol and is exposed to the sun. Because of this risk, Dr. DeSalvo choose to formulate his antiaging product using 3 different precursor forms of retinol: retinyl palmitate, retinol, and retinyl acetate. These low dosages work concomitantly to provide the skin with the desired effects of retinol, but without the harsh reactions. Most people can apply this product at night with the confidence that it will not irritate sensitive skin. If used every day and night, the OrangeDaily system will allow the skin to reach optimum health and esthetics.

The important thing to remember is: Healthy skin is beautiful skin and beautiful skin is healthy skin.

Dr. Dave

EVERY DAY! WITHOUT FAIL!Spirit * Soul *  Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

48. A Remedy After a Lifetime in the Sun

A few weeks ago, I celebrated my 67th birthday. If you are young…don’t blink! Time has a way of slipping through your fingers. All my life I had done things to preserve my health with the big picture in mind: daily workouts, 8 hours of sleep, making healthy choices about my food. I even flossed my teeth every day because keeping my health was so important. As a result, I have been rewarded later in life with the ability to continue to enjoy a host of outdoor activities. Thus far, I have been blessed to keep myself young at heart. I am an avid golfer, skier, and baseball (not softball) player. I love to hike in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with my wife and believe it or not, I even enjoy mowing my lawn and doing yard work. Personally, I cannot begin to imagine what my life would be like without being able to do these things. All of these enjoyable events have one thing in common—they are all outside under the sun. Here in the Central Valley of California the Summer sun can be intense. Over the years, I learned to embrace the heat and sun in pursuit of my sports and adventures.

While I was attentive to many of my physical fitness needs, I was remiss about caring for and protecting my skin. For some reason, I could not equate that I needed to be consistent with providing the nutrients and protection that my skin needed as it was exposed to the damaging effects of the severe California sun. There were many days that I went outside into these elements without a thought of the damage UV light would be doing to my skin. How could I be so insensitive to this need when I was overly concerned about my fitness?

Sure enough, as I entered my 50’s and 60’s, I began to see the cumulative results of my negligence. As my sunburns began to mount up, I noticed my skin started to develop undesirable dark age spots. I also noted that my skin seemed to become “thinner” and would always seem to cut and bleed as I did my weekly gardening. Finally, I began to notice that some of my skin was starting to sag and wrinkle. The poor health of my skin seemed to be the Achilles heel in my personal battle against aging. My proactivity towards my chosen healthy lifestyle was being compromised by a reactivity to this overlooked situation. My skin health low point finally arrived when I was told by my Dermatologist that I had numerous precancerous lesions on my face that either needed to be removed or watched over closely.

In previous blogs, I shared with you how Ampac-USA/ OrangeDaily Vitamin C topical Skin Care System could be used every day to restore and rejuvenate our skin to optimal health. We also discussed the importance of Vitamin C as a promoter in the production of collagen and elastin, the elements responsible for “plumping” cells and improving the thin skin that many people like myself experience as we age. Furthermore, I shared with you that topical Vitamin C was one of the best antioxidants, preventing the sun damaging events that occur in the deeper layers of our skin. When I joined our OrangeDaily executive team and discovered the proper way to care and protect my skin, I recommitted to a daily regimen of our products that hopefully would restore my skin’s health.

I can honestly share with you that this “newer” commitment has been easy to follow. The OrangeDaily products leave my skin feeling clean and silky. I have been consistently applying these products daily for over 18 months. My skin health has dramatically improved and many of my wrinkles have disappeared. But the most significant enhancement provided by these products is the slow disappearance of my dark age spots that peppered my hands and face. As the chief science director, I discovered that vitamin C is used to block tyrosinase and the oxidative destruction of healthy dermal cells. Specifically, vitamin C prevents melanocytes from producing melanin and as result the dark spots begin to fade. OrangeDaily products are manufactured with a balance of ingredients that synergistically support active forms of vitamin C. In addition, the products include low dosage forms of retinol that gently promotes rapid cell turn over, Vitamin E that enhances the vitamin C reactions and lactic acid that is a safe, effective skin brightener. My skin rejuvenation was not a rapid, overnight success story. However, the improvement over time is evidence that it is possible to improve the health and beauty of your skin if you are willing to commit to a big picture lifestyle change.                                  

Remember that Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin and Beautiful Skin is Healthy Skin.

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

47. The Added Value of GMP for OrangeDaily

You finally decided that enough is enough and you’re going to do something about your aged, discolored skin condition. You’ve already heard the lectures and warnings from your Dermatologist as he removes the next batch of precancers lesions off your forehead. You flashback to all those days when you sprinkled baby oil all over your face and laid in the midday sun trying to get a tan. Back in those times a sunburn meant that you had a great day outside. Oh! if you could just turn back the clock. You certainly would have done things differently… but now it’s too late! At the end of your doctors’ appointment your dermatologist recommends that you could reverse some of the damage to your skin by providing it with the proper nutrition and supplemental ingredients. He tells you that you can overcome some of the damage by using a daily regimen that includes topical Vitamin C, botanicals, moisturizers, vitamin A, and other skin care active ingredients.

Off you go to the pharmacy in search of the panacea for skin care. Once in the pharmacy, the choices of skin care products are almost endless. You start to read the labels and ask yourself all kinds of questions: What are the most important ingredients? How balanced is the product? is cheaper better? Is expensive better? Should I buy an “all-ingredients-in-one” or a system of products—which works better? It is all but impossible for the average consumer to determine which brand to use. Flashy names and glossy bottles may not be enough to decide which product to use. How can anyone figure out what should be used for proper skin care and nutrition? Furthermore, how does anyone know what would be effective over time?

A good place to start in answering these questions stems back to how products are manufactured. It goes without saying that efficacious ingredients must be properly sourced, formulated, blended and packaged. Last week, I had the pleasure to visit our company’s laboratory that produces all of our 7 OrangeDaily Topical Vitamin C Skin Care Products. Our products are all manufactured in Livermore (Made in the USA) California, in a l50,000sq ft GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) rated laboratory. Many skin care products throughout the world are not manufactured under comparable conditions. The “GMP/Made in the USA stamp” takes on its importance the moment you enter the laboratory front door. In order to tour the facilities, one must don a laboratory coat and hair net. They are also serious that they do not allow photographs. Everything is done by the book and up to the highest standards.

As we entered the manufacturing plant, we walked past isle after isle of ingredients, organized and stacked up to forty feet in height that were catalogued for the many products that this lab manufactures. The huge facility was spotless and there did not seem to be one box or drum of ingredients out of place. We turned around the corner of the building and saw a glass wall that allowed us to view one of the “mixing rooms.” The first descriptive word that comes to mind is “sterile.” There are several polished stainless steel mixing machines of various sizes ranging from the size of a wheelbarrow to the size of a cement-mixing truck. Several employees in protective white body suits were weighing ingredients and filling the mixing machines. Everything about this room spoke of accuracy, cleanliness and competency. Huge batches of products for several companies are produced in here every day with a precision measured in milligrams.

From the mixing room, the products are bottled and packaged in a large room, once again under stringent guidelines. Even the lighting used a low UV frequency bulb so as not to degrade the products’ viability. It was very rewarding to see our OrangeDaily Toner and 10% Vitamin C Serum being packaged and placed onto pallets to be shipped to our own warehouse this coming week. Finally, we took a side trip to the “lab within the lab.” This department had the responsibilities of quality testing, determining product stabilization and reformulating products. Having personally witnessed the expertise and professionalism that distinguished our laboratory’s GMP title left little doubt in my mind as to why our products are so efficacious and consistent in quality.

Granted there are other criteria that must be considered as we seek skin care product efficacy in improving skin health and esthetics. However, knowing that the products are manufactured under stringent standards is an important cornerstone. I felt a sense of pride as I watched our OrangeDaily products roll of the assembly line last week. It was gratifying to know that the label of GMP was not just a title, but a commitment to higher manufacturing standards. It speaks volumes about our company’s commitment to bring effective skin nutrition and topical vitamins at a reasonable cost to the world. It is also the underlying reason that our shelf life extends to almost 4 years. It is one of many reasons why we believe that we will soon become the gold standard in vitamin C skin therapy.

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

46. Lifestyle Changes for Fulfillment

There was a time not long ago when I reached a real low spot in my life. I was stressed beyond finding any happiness or satisfaction in the world. I felt unfulfilled even during my overindulgence of pleasures which included ski vacations, golf outings, alcohol consumption and overeating. Nothing seemed to make me happy. It felt like I was always angry at the world—but I think that I was angry with myself. I would finish a great day on the slopes or a round of golf at a beautiful course only to be thinking what I could do to try to find elusive happiness for the next day. At night I would overconsume both wine and food—but I was never full—always empty and craving more. In short, I believed that happiness was like a day at Disneyland—something you could buy but was over in a vapor. Even during my best days, I longed for something more fulfilling.

I was stuck—not knowing what to do to overcome these feelings. After all, I was a doctor and I felt that I could overcome any obstacle, including my own discontentedness. But in reality, I was clueless knowing where to begin. Then a day came when my life was totally shaken. I found myself faced with a huge, unsolvable and difficult problem (but that is another story) that proved to be life changing. It was a problem that I had absolutely no control over but forced me to totally reevaluate my lifestyle and the aging 60-year-old person I had morphed into. As I looked in the mirror, I saw an out-of-shape, former athlete carrying 60lbs of excess weight. Even more importantly, the years of following down the wrong path of life created an image of someone that I did not care for. I finally had come to the realization that I needed a total lifestyle change. I needed to chip away at all of my “false selfs” that I had barricaded around me—barriers that I had enlisted to protect me from the trials and tribulations of this world.  I had become self-absorbed to a lifestyle that embraced the world around me. Some people refer to following this false path as being guided by our ego. At least now I acknowledged that I had a huge problem that needed correcting.

Let me reassure you, worthwhile lifestyle changes do not happen overnight. Someone once wisely stated: “Change in itself is uncomfortable. But real change happens when it is more comfortable to make the change than it is to stay in your present state.” Personally, I was extremely uncomfortable with myself and it drove me towards seeking better answers to my life. Realizing that my changes needed to be gradual over time I developed a mantra that became my rally cry:

Every Day! Without Fail!

As I started down this new path, I committed myself towards redeveloping four aspects of my life, Every Day! And Without Fail! These changes involved improving myself in the following aspects:  Spirit * Soul * Mind * Body

I centered all my self-improvement around the maturation of my faith. I made it my commitment to begin every day reading, studying and reflecting my Spiritual relationship. I became a student of the Bible. As a result, I began to change. I learned to be more patient. I also became more appreciative of what I had and less concerned about what I did not have. Maybe the most important aspect of this change was that I truly was grateful and more aware of others. More and more I appreciated the moment and became less concerned about my past. I also learned to trust my future and as a result had less anxiety. As I continued on this path, I knew that I was becoming a better version of myself and for the first time ever I was feeling more fulfilled. My Soul, my heart, was changing. I had surrendered it to this new path. Life was becoming easier and more enjoyable every day. I became peaceful and happy inside my mind. Many call this bliss “joy.”

As I continued down the path, I found myself reading and studying subjects on entrepreneurism, business, computers and self-improvement. My hunger for new knowledge drove me to read 8-10 books per month. I found myself drawn away from my practice and into a different world, not really knowing, but trusting I was doing this for a reason. I called this intense study my new PhD program. It was not until several years later when I became Senior Vice President of Ampac/OrangeDaily, an International vitamin C skin care company, that I realized that all along I was being guided. I was in a dream job that I loved and the fulfillment that it provided me brought a satisfaction that I had never before experienced. Those several years of daily developing my mind had been rewarded.

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not share what physically took place during my metamorphosis. Every Day! Without Fail! I committed to a half hour of high intensity cardio and a half hour of high intensity weight training. My new-found inner fulfillment led me away from overeating and drinking. I studied nutrition and changed my dietary habits. I was no longer compulsively searching for answers through “comfort crutches.” My spiritual, transformed personality and reeducation all contributed to a new sense of well-being. I began to notice my body reshaping. I was at peace with myself and the excess weight began to melt away. I shed all of my excess 60 lbs. and returned to my healthy, athletic college weight.

I am sharing all of this with you to show that any worthwhile change happens through a consistent commitment towards a lifestyle change. Maybe you would like to improve one or all of the aspects of your own life, just like the ones that I described. Quick fixes and fads are just what they say they are. A perfect example of a true lifestyle change is in improving the health of your skin. I can attest that for all my adult life, I did little to protect my skin from the elements. I knew nothing about the need for topical skin nutrition. But once again, I was shaken when I showed up at my dermatologist to have several precancerous lesions removed from my forehead. I was stunned at what damages I had permitted myself to incur. It was only through my transition to becoming an Executive member of OrangeDaily and studying to be the scientific head of the company that I discovered that much of my skin damage could be reversed through proper topical nutrition. OrangeDaily products were designed for people like me to rejuvenate my injured, aging skin and bring it to optimal health. All that was required was a commitment to daily use. But when I saw how neglected and aged I allowed my skin to become, I knew how to commit and make it work. Yes, this was yet another lifestyle change in my life. All that was required was for me to consistently apply these products: Every Day! Without Fail!

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

45. Becoming a Passionate Topical Vitamin C Fan!

Men and women think differently about many things. A perfect example is in how men and women care for their skin. In general, women spend countless hours and top dollars on lotions and cosmetics to keep their skin looking young, and on lotions that shield them from the sun before spending their day outdoors. Most women are very aware of the effects of environmental damage that can ruin their appearance. to their credit, they are driven to be proactive and consistent in the way they care for their skin.

When it comes to caring for my skin, I am a perfect example of the average male mentality. For over sixty years, I have been a sun worshiper and outdoorsman. During my younger days, protecting my skin meant baking in the sun to get a “tan,” while slathering on baby oil or snow to produce the desired sunburn that scalded my acne. It felt great to lie in the sun! I spent my entire life skiing, doing yardwork, playing baseball, golfing, hiking and anything else involving the sun, searching for that end of the day burn that told me it was a great day outside.

However, now that I am over 60, I see the long-term effects of my irrational thoughts. This came to even more light as I visited the dermatologist to have a basal cell carcinoma removed from my forehead. Then there were the countless age spots that freckled my face and hands. Time had caught up to me. Let me be the first to admit: this man is grandiose and reactive when it comes to his personal skincare. As someone once said in a college graduation speech: “Always wear sunscreen.” I ascribed to a fate of my own doing and a feeling that it was now impossible to turn back the clock.

Then last year, I joined the OrangeDaily Team. Having been in my past life a dentist and scientist, I began to study dermatology and the science behind our products. I learned that the skin is the body’s largest organ and it is also the most “malnourished.” Most of the nutrients and vitamins we ingest do not reach the skin. It is for this reason that our company’s products exists. We provide the necessary nutrients intended to make our skin healthy, optimally healthy. I also learned that new skin “turned over” every 60-90 days. So, if one provided the proper nutrients to the skin over this period, the skin could begin to recover towards renewed health and beauty. In my case, my skin had not been properly fed for over 60 years!

At the start of last year, I committed to use our products– EVERY DAY, WITHOUT FAIL– to discover for myself the true efficacy of OrangeDaily products. In my morning hygiene routine, I used the cleanser to scrub my face and hands to provide the cleanest possible skin surface. The Cleanser also lathered and allowed me to use it as shaving cream. Once rinsed, I applied the Toner, which is used to both deep-cleaned my skin and neutralize the pH. The Toner allowed my skin to become more compatible for application of the OrangeDaily Serum. Our Serum is 10% Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)—one of Nature’s greatest collagen promoters and also one of the best anti-oxidants for resolving the damaging effects of the sun. I also applied our great moisturizer and Brightening cream, which gradually faded my age spots away. These products were easy for me to use, non-greasy and felt terrific on my skin. At night, before bed, I would use the Tri-Retinol cream, featuring Vitamin A (retinol.) Our vitamin A product is composed of three low-dose forms of retinol, the combined effect synergistically creating a rapid skin cell turnover. Unlike other retinol products, it did not irritate my skin.

Today, 10 months after starting this regimen of OrangeDaily Skin Nutrition, I have experienced a satisfying rejuvenation of my skin’s health and appearance. I am still as involved as ever with outdoor activities, but I do not sunburn, even under the most extreme conditions. I also find it easy to comply using our products daily, knowing that I am proactively treating my past disregard and negligence of caring for my skin. I like to think of it as a livable lifestyle change. Today, it has actually become as important as my daily workout routine. Am I passionate about our OrangeDaily products? My answer is a resounding “Yes!” I have personally seen great results and now I am an OrangeDaily believer!


Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

44. Plastic Surgery, Botox or Topical Vitamin C?

If there is one ingredient that we should include every day to promote skin health it would be topical Vitamin C, as an antioxidant in neutralizing skin-damaging free radicals, called proteases, that are activated by the sun and other environmental stresses. OrangeDaily provides its consumers with a system of masterfully formulated products that are formulated to deliver activated vitamin C to the deeper layers of the skin.

There are other benefits in the daily use of topical vitamin C. Keep in mind that while many plants produce their own vitamin C, humans must rely upon outside sources such as using the vitamin C from plants. In essence, skin cells remain “plump” with an adequate amount of collagen and elastin. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen and elastinwhich is the “skeletal” structure inside the cell. Without collagen and elastin, cells become withered. As one ages, the body loses its’ ability to produce collagen and elastin. This is evident in wrinkling of the skin, a sign of aging. A daily application of vitamin C promotes the ability of the skin to produce collage and elastin. Vitamin C is a key component to diminish wrinkling by tightening the skin.

It is important to further point out that wrinkling can be reversed using other methods by treating wrinkled skin with products such as Botox or through plastic surgery. Informed decisions on each method will help a consumer to choose their personal skin rejuvenation. It is noteworthy that the use of inflammatory creams or injections provide the consumer with a quick fix. However, this method is only temporary. Furthermore, there is little nutritional health benefit in the use of inflammatory products.  Plastic surgery could be a good choice, if sagging skin is beyond natural repair. However, this choice is both invasive and expensive and needs to be in the hands of a skilled surgeon. Once again, surgery does nothing towards promoting the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, some people will “chase” surgery after surgery in an attempt to remove unwanted wrinkles that continue to form over time.

The shortfalls of inflammatory products and plastic surgery can be mitigated through the use of topical vitamin C.  Vitamin C goes to the heart of the problem – promoting an increased production of elastin and collagen. Skin that has adequate amounts of vitamin C can hydrate and wrinkles are reduced. This is not an “overnight” rejuvenation. Noticeable wrinkle improvement is usually not evident for a few weeks. While this might not be acceptable to some people, most physical changes through diet and exercise require time and consistency for results. I call these methods of change “truth in health.” Keep this in mind when considering the choice you make in your skin health decisions. The OrangeDaily system of products was designed with one thought in mind: “ Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin and Beautiful skin is Healthy Skin.”

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

43. The Most Important Ingredient

For years people have searched for the most effective ingredient that will rejuvenate skin that has been damaged by the sun, environment and other stresses. If there was ever a “must have” nutrient that our skin needs daily to keep it healthy and beautiful, it would be topical Vitamin C.

This vitamin is important for the natural production of collagen and elastin and acts to suppress the free radicals that damage skin cells. Our skin, the largest organ in the body, cannot produce vitamin C. To further complicate things, the vitamin C in our diet and vitamin consumption is often transported to other organs of the body and does not reach the Vitamin C-poor layers of the skin. A lack of this vitamin results in age spots, wrinkles and many other skin conditions that is often observed in aging. The best way to ensure that our skin cells are properly supplied every day is through the topical application of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C or L ascorbic acid can be found in most plants, where it is needed to protect cells from sun exposure. There are many forms of this vitamin and the proper selection of a viable form is key to ensuring results when applying to the skin. When the skin is exposed to UV light or other stresses of the environment, proteases within the skin cells become activated, forming unstable free radicals. In this excited state they “seek out” other charged molecules in an attempt to become stabilized. If left unchecked, they attach to and destroy cell membranes and injure skin cells. Providing that it is introduced into the affected deep layers of the skin, Vitamin C, in its’ unstable form, forms a bond with these free radical proteases, rendering them neutral. Therefore, the cell remains unoxidized thus promoting these cells’ health. This is why we call vitamin C an antioxidant.

There are a lot of ‘if’s” that must fall into place when considering the use of topical Vitamin C as an efficacious antioxidant for the skin.

  • First, the Vitamin C must remain stable while in the packaging for an extended period of time (shelf life) and become activated when applied to the skin.
  • Secondly, the topical vitamin C must have the ability to cross the stratum corneum–the protective skin barrier– and reach the affected deeper layers of the skin where the oxidation is actually taking place.
  • Thirdly, one must choose a form of vitamin C that can reach the distressed skin cells in its free radical state. A stable form of the vitamin C is not effective in bonding with the damaging skin proteases. Many topical vitamin C products fail to overcome any one or all these issues.

The topical vitamin C chosen to include in the OrangeDaily formulation has been shown to provide solutions to these problems.

  • Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP), is a precursor molecule to L-ascorbic acid and remains stable in its bottle for a shelf life of over 4 years.
  • Upon application, this product can become activated into a free radical form of vitamin C.
  • Through the addition of a silicon emulsifier and essential oils, SAP is able to penetrate into the dermal layers of the skin where it is effective in neutralizing the damaging protease.
  • Finally, all the OrangeDaily products (Cleanser, Toner, 10% Serum, Moisturizer, Brightening Cream, Eye Complex and Tri-Retinol) include Vitamin C, intended to provide a “reservoir effect” is continually available to provide constant supply of Vitamin C. These are clear scientific formulation differences that distinguish OrangeDaily ingredients with an assurance of the efficacy through daily use.

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Skin Care

42. Dr. Dave: Which Product is Best for Me?

There doesn’t seem to be a day that goes by without someone asking me: “Out of the 7 OrangeDaily topical vitamin C skin care products, which one is the best one for me to use?”

This question is a very good one, because it lets me know that these individuals need further information about the philosophy and design of the OrangeDaily system of products. Let me provide you with an analogy that will help you better understand this statement.

Suppose I went to an excellent Italian restaurant and wanted to order their house specialty: spaghetti with meatballs in a marinara sauce. Would it be the same meal if I asked the waiter: “Which is the one ingredient that I should get on my noodles?” Not all spaghetti dinners are the same. Some chefs cut corners on their ingredients, while others do not understand the complexities nor have the skills to make a great meal. The gourmet spaghetti meal is not created using a single ingredient: it is a combination of several great ingredients, timing and the skill of the chef.

So, if one were trying to provide complete nutrition to their skin, which product would be the best to use? OrangeDaily topical vitamin C products were designed by a master in skin care formulation, Dr. Ron DiSalvo. There are many great reasons why he created seven wonderful products. Although each product has its own set of outstanding merits, none of them were ever intended to be a stand-alone product. There was a very logical sequence when each of the products were designed to be applied to the skin to optimize nutrition and enhance the skin’s health and beauty. Dr. DiSalvo intended for some of his products to be used every morning in a regimen, starting with the Daily Cleanser, followed by the Daily Toner, the 10% Vitamin C Serum and finally, the Daily Moisturizer. For therapy in the evening, apply the Daily Cleanser and Daily Toner, followed by the Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Complex, Advanced Eye Complex around the sensitive skin closest to the eyes and finish the regimen with Daily Moisturizer. At night, Dual Action Lightening Cream can be used to reduce “age spots,” liver spots, discolored patches and other areas out of balance with the overall tone and color of the skin. By following this “recipe,” a balanced topical vitamin C skin nutrition system, noticeable enhancements can be achieved over time.

Proper skin nutrition requires essential ingredients that the body cannot adequately provide through diet and vitamins. Dr. DiSalvo’s topical products allow the keys to optimum skin health. Scientifically, his Daily products work in synergistic combination to produce these desirable results. Daily Cleanser truly is a great cleanser and Daily Toner deep cleans and produces the proper pH for the other products to be effective. These two products also contain L-ascorbic acid, a very effective form of vitamin C. In fact, L-ascorbic acid is the cornerstone ingredient found in all OrangeDaily products.

The combined L-ascorbic acid found in all these products can reach the deeper dermal layer of the skin, creating a reservoir of effective vitamin C. As a result, all the combined products create enough active vitamin C to continually promote anti-aging, stimulate vital collagen and enable a host of other healthy cellular activities.

Besides working together to promote skin health, each of the seven OrangeDaily products individually meet specific needs of the skin. The 10% Vitamin C Serum is great at providing nutrition to the face, but it is too reactive for the delicate eye region, so Dr. DiSalvo formulated a much gentler Advanced Eye Complex with hyaluronic acid for optimal hydration. In conjunction with the Serum, the Dual Action Lightening Cream is used to safely resolve uneven skin tones. The Daily Moisturizer ensures the skin cells remain hydrated and healthy. The Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Complex accelerates the turnover of skin cells, enabling healthier cells, reducing the normal time required by several days for fresh cells to come to the surface. These are but a few of the wise choices that Dr. DiSalvo made in formulating his products. The result is an opportunity for all of us to use his products as he intended them to be used, every day, and realize the optimal health and beauty that is brought out by a fully balanced skin nutrition system. Remember:

Healthy skin is beautiful skin and beautiful skin is healthy skin.

Dr. Dave


Spirit * Soul * Mind * Body

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Orange Daily Blog

41. The Winning Combination: Tri-Retinol + Topical Vitamin C

No matter your age, it’s never too early to begin taking care of your skin to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Even if your skin has begun to show signs of aging, there’s still hope. In this article, we’ll explore the clinically proven benefits of a unique skincare combination of tri-retinol and topical vitamin C. These two ingredients combined can diminish the signs of aging. 

Common Causes of Aging Skin

There are numerous factors that contribute to the outward signs of aging skin, contributing to free radical production in our bodies, leading to faster outward aging:

  • Improper cleansing
  • Poor diet
  • Insufficient rest
  • Stress
  • Environmental factors
  • Sugar and junk food
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Over-exposure to the sun
  • Exposure to unavoidable pollutants in our environment:
    • Fuel exhaust
    • Dust
    • Pollen
    • Factory exhaust

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen, that amazing structural protein found in the dermis of our skin that keeps it elastic, firm and stretchy. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and is found in all connective tissue like ligaments and tendons, as well as joints, bones and muscles. It forms an interlocking “web” like a tightly woven chain link fence, that literally holds our bodies together.

Benefits of Topical Vitamin C

Vitamin C was first discovered by scientists in 1912, and the internal and external benefits of this essential antioxidant have been clinically proven. Below is a list of proven benefits of topical vitamin C:

  • Promotes healing/tissue repair
  • Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promotes collagen production
  • Fades dark spots/evens out skin tone
  • Hydrates and plumps skin
  • Binds free radicals
  • Reduces under-eye circles
  • Reverses sun damage/protect from future sun damage
  • Reduces inflammation

Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP) is a form of vitamin C. It is stable and converts to L-ascorbic acid on your skin providing all the benefits where they’re needed most.

Retinol and Topical Vitamin C

Look for formulations that deliver the benefits of vitamin A as Retinyl Palmitate, Retinol, and as Retinyl Acetate. With this unique combination, your skin may improve with less irritation, since the formula limits the amounts of each form of vitamin A to reduce the potential for inflammation, while not reducing the beneficial effects of vitamin A on your skin.

Retinyl Palmitate

Retinyl Palmitate, vitamin A, helps to increase the cell turnover time. Quicker cell turnover means new skin surfaces faster giving you a fresher appearance. It also inhibits the breakdown of collagen which keeps your skin firmer. Retinyl Palmitate also limits the damage caused by free radicals and helps diminish age spots and blemishes.


This powerful ingredient can improve skin color and texture and reduce acne without the adverse side effects that some other retinol products may cause. It can improve overall skin appearance and reduce the visible signs of aging.

Retinyl Acetate

Retinyl Acetate is a naturally occurring form of vitamin A. Its main function is binding free radicals. It is also gentle on your skin and less irritating than some other forms of retinol.

A Wise Formula

Dr. Ron DiSalvo, a noted skin care scientist and authority, created the OrangeDaily seven-part skin care system of complementary formulas to work in harmony to bring you the best results. The best available forms of vitamin C, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate and L-ascorbic acid, are formulated with other beneficial ingredients including vitamin E, vitamin A, and Ginkgo Biloba and other emollients and botanicals to create an effective skin care regimen.

A conscientious regimen of daily application of topical vitamin C and vitamin A products will give you positive results, so it’s important to understand that healthy changes don’t create overnight results any more than visiting your local gym once will provide measurable results. It’s recommended that you follow the seven-part skincare regimen daily for 60-90 days to achieve satisfactory results. Not only will you see a diminishing of aging effects on your skin, but you may also begin the important process of protecting your skin from future damage.

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