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65. Hyaluronic Acid Helps Hydrate Skin

65. Hyaluronic Acid Helps Hydrate Skin

What’s the best way to hydrate skin? Should you use a moisturizer, and if so, which one? It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the hundreds of high-priced skin care product choices on the market today. This article aims to help you easily understand which ingredients are most beneficial to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Why It’s Important to Hydrate Skin

Your skin is made up of roughly 64% water. No matter your age or stage in life, it’s important to keep your skin hydrated to keep it healthy and vibrant. Your skin, the largest organ of your body, is made up of three layers: the epidermis (the outer layer that we see), the dermis (just below the epidermis), and the subcutaneous layer (the deepest skin layer). Dehydrated skin can feel tight and itchy, appearing flaky and sensitive to environmental irritants.

Dehydrated skin loses its elasticity and presents a dull, dry, sometimes haggard appearance, giving way to those unsettling premature signs of aging – fine lines and wrinkles. Keeping your skin properly hydrated will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Applying a moisturizer may help to hydrate skin, but it’s important to consider the ingredients of all products you use on your skin. 

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid (Hint: It’s More Than a Moisturizer)

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that acts as a humectant helping your skin retain its moisture. It’s naturally occurring in the human body and is found in the skin, hair, cartilage, connective tissue and bones. Hyaluronic acid production tends to naturally drop as you age causing your skin to lose its moisture and elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in keeping your skin hydrated as it acts like a sponge, attracting moisture to the surface of the skin, where it can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water!  When included in a serum or cream and used as part of a daily skin care system, you can expect improvement in your skin’s feel and a healthier appearance. Hyaluronic acid has been proven to hydrate and repair damaged skin, improve skin firmness and elasticity and decrease the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of Topical Vitamin C

The topical application of vitamin C has been studied and documented by scientists around the world. Not only is it a safe skin care ingredient for most skin types, but it is necessary for increased collagen production. Collagen is produced in the body and is a component of our connective tissue including our bones, tendons, ligaments and skin. One of the most notable benefits of applying topical vitamin C is that it encourages an increase in collagen production which in turn reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, adding to the beneficial effect of additional topical hyaluronic acid.

L-ascorbic acid is the form of the vitamin that is most easily absorbed by the skin. As an antioxidant, the benefits to your skin are numerous. Not only can applying vitamin C in a cream or serum shield your skin from the damaging rays of the sun, but it can also work to diminish sun damage, shield the skin from oxidative stress, help exfoliate the skin, reduce hyperpigmentation, brighten dark spots, balance skin tones, and diminish the visible signs of aging.

The Combined Benefits

As you can see, the benefits of hyaluronic acid and topical vitamin C are noteworthy as individual ingredients. By combining the two, your skin health benefits can be multiplied. However, there is no concern for overloading cells with unnecessary nutrients since hyaluronic acid complements vitamin C in a way that prevents overloading, so that only damaged cells receive the nutrition they need.

By using skin care products containing both of these ingredients, you can expect to experience the following benefits:

  • Increased skin hydration
  • Firmer, more youthful-looking skin
  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increased collagen production
  • Increased moisturization
  • Skin repair and regeneration
  • UV protection
  • Reduction in hyperpigmentation
  • Brightened dark spots
  • Improved skin exfoliation
  • Reduction in skin inflammation
  • Reduction in oxidative stress

There’s no time like the present to make a positive change for the health of your skin. Choosing quality skin care products doesn’t have to be confusing or overwhelming. With the information shared in this article, you’re ready to make an informed decision. The benefits of both hyaluronic acid and topical vitamin C are great on their own. Combine them and you will have better results.

OrangeDaily is a seven-step skin care regimen. The main active ingredient in all of the skin care products in this regimen is topical vitamin C. Hyaluronic acid is added to the OrangeDaily Eye Complex.

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