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51. OrangeDaily Is a Reason to Be Thankful

51. OrangeDaily Is a Reason to Be Thankful

It is Thanksgiving morning, and I awoke early to the unique and comforting smell of turkey already roasting in the oven. Personally, this is right up there with the smells of a fresh-cut Christmas tree the first day it is brought into our home, or the overpowering scent of my Orange tree filled with the new pungent blossoms of Spring. All of these put me into the moment—appreciating something that only happens once a year. The dining room table is set with our finest china —a table of honor that has its place in our home, even if it is used for special occasions. Now that we have everything prepared for the feast ahead, I find myself sedentary on my couch, inspired to reflect upon everything that has been a blessing in my life. In spite of the Covid and the bizarre year of 2020, I am grateful for so many things. Most importantly, I am so appreciative of the health and welfare of my family. Through my faith, I feel that I was protected this past year by forces beyond my own control. As I ponder my many blessings, I am humbled by the providential way my life has unfolded. I am in awe of the many people, places and circumstances that have led me down this path to bring me ever closer to inner joy and fulfillment.

A prime example of my blessings is my present affiliation with Ampac-USA and the OrangeDaily products they manufacture. How wonderful to be involved with good, close friends who all know the meaning of hard work, dedication and passion, while keeping their focus on our common goals. To be encouraged to freely think, voice my opinion and draw on my creative talents is a rare situation and one of the prime reasons our company has come so far in such little time. In our company, no one ever needs to “micromanage” another on what to do or report what they do with their time. Our commitment to our products creates all of the enthusiasm and motivation we need. Quite honestly, this is what I signed up for and I embrace each and every challenge we are presented to enthusiastically bring our products to the world.

Sitting by a crackling fire, I reflect upon my own skin health and how, without our products, I would surely be experiencing countless procedures at the dermatologist’s office. Oh, and by the way, after using OrangeDaily products for well over a year, I am blessed with much healthier skin. Many of my age spots have disappeared and my wrinkles have dissolved. Despite my love for outdoor activities, I have yet to experience a single sunburn as result of the “reservoir effect” of topical vitamin C building up in my skin through the use of our daily system. Truly the formulations in OrangeDaily are a blessing.

As I continue to write from my couch, I have on final thought before my family arrives to celebrate the day. How wonderful is it to have a job position that allows me to become friends with distributors, key opinion leaders and government dignitaries from all over the globe? To name a few, there is Dr. Avajah F., the wonderful Dermatologist in Nigeria who always has a huge smile on his face and continually exclaims in his African accent that “OrangeDaily makes your skin talk!!” Then there is Hema and Rahul A., who have discovered our products and are passionate about introducing it to every single person in India. I also think of the many other countries that carry our products and the wonderful people I have met in each of them. From my kitchen, I get to talk with them via Zoom meetings, not just about business, but about their lives. Through their stories, I have discovered what is going on in their part of the world. I am also eagerly anticipating the many more countries on the horizon that will soon be distributing OrangeDaily. As a result of these interactions, I now understand what the phrase “the world is my oyster” truly means. With all of these friends in so many interesting and wonderful places, I can hardly wait for a vaccine to be distributed so that I can travel to each and every country and personally shake their hands.

Yes, as you can now see, I am truly blessed. To know that I am introducing you to OrangeDaily products as a wonderful, efficacious total skin care system, is yet another blessing that I am able to pay forward to you. Have a wonderful holiday.

Most importantly, remember that healthy skin is beautiful skin and beautiful skin is healthy skin!

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

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