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40. Guest Blog: Use the System! Roger George

40. Guest Blog: Use the System! Roger George

Hello, my name is Roger George and I’ve been using the OrangeDaily products for over 9 months. I thought I might share what I’ve personally learned about using the products for the most effective results – even after discovering I was using it incorrectly for a while!

To set the stage for you, I’m 69 and I’ve spent most of my life outdoors in the sun, first growing up on a farm, then in training as an Olympic class Decathlete (1976 U.S. Olympic Decathlon Team Alternate.) Later, I became a professional fishing guide and a well-known weekly fishing columnist. All of these pursuits have constantly kept me in the sun, as well as in the public media and it’s been a battle trying to keep my skin in decent shape after all the abuse. Like most older guys, I was concerned about the long- term sun damage I’d already endured. Like many, I didn’t know what to do at this point in my life to improve my skin’s health and appearance, except to use sunscreen!

When I began using OrangeDaily last year, I was immediately impressed by the initial results. However, I found out later that I was actually missing the boat by just selectively using the products I thought I needed for several months.  That’s when I realized that I wasn’t applying them correctly as a complete system.

Once I made the change and began using all the seven OrangeDaily Starter Kit products in the right order, I immediately saw improved overall results in my skin. Dr. Lewis had told me that the system had been designed so that each product would enhance the effectiveness of the others, and he was right.

In a short time after using the seven OrangeDaily starter kit products as a system, I was first surprised when I first began noticing how my skin looked after a day out in hot bright conditions. The incredible thing was that after years of coming home sunburned, I realized my skin wasn’t red or hurting me at all now!  I tried it out again and again, in tough on-the-water conditions, especially known for sunburns, and I was amazed each time how well it worked – unexpected serendipity!

The next thing that really stood out was that the softness of my skin was greatly improved, and my longtime burn wrinkles actually diminished immediately. I honestly began feeling I had much softer and better-looking skin than ever, as well as fewer wrinkles. I was looking younger and healthier. There was now actually hope of undoing years of damage for me.

Lastly, I also began noticing that some of my stubborn blemishes were actually going away, a miracle after years of trying to treat them.  These were persistent and annoying, and I hated them.  I had tried to cover them up, but now I’ve seen them going away week by week.

Actual tangible results on several levels impressed me. I not only saw big improvements in my skin, but I also feel this is helping revitalize and protect my skin overall. I found that using the products as a system is the key.

Most of us older guys are working hard to stay fit, but I believe that many men are now just beginning to realize that their skin’s health is just as big a part of their total fitness and health as time in the gym. This OrangeDaily system has been the answer to my skin health concerns and I think my skin will look better at 70 than it does now. I love what it’s done for me. I highly recommend it!

 Dr. Lewis adds – I had a similar revelation as Roger concerning the proper usage of OrangeDaily products. For over a year, I used only the cleanser, toner and serum. Yes, I saw improvement in my skin. But the more I studied the science behind our products, the more I began to see that ALL of the ingredients contributed to my desire to properly nourish my skin and create optimal health and beauty. Here are a few cliff notes concerning the OrangeDaily system:

The OrangeDaily Cleanser is not only an excellent skin cleaner but has vitamin C and contributes to the reservoir effect of vitamin C in the dermal layer of the skin.

 Complementing the Cleanser, the OrangeDaily Toner not only balances the pH of the skin, so that the other products become more effective, but also contains other helpful ingredients promoting skin health. Vitamin C is an ingredient that is also in the Toner, contributing to the reservoir effect.

Now that the skin is properly prepared, apply a thin coat of the 10% Serum, avoiding the sensitive area around your eyes. If it stings a little, that’s good! OrangeDaily vitamin C is chemically stabilized to last up to 4 years in the container, so it you feel a tiny acid sting, that means it’s very active and working. And you’re still adding vitamin C to your reservoir.

Next, apply a thin coating of Moisturizer, and head out to meet your day.  Or, for extra protection and hydration, as an option, apply a little Age-Defying Eye Complex to the sensitive skin under and beside your eyes, for extra moisture and wrinkle reduction.

The next product in our System is Tri-Retinol complex, a mixture of three vitamin A types that can reduce wrinkles and fine lines by causing the skin to renew itself faster, moving the new skin to the surface sooner, by several days.  It’s best not to use this stronger Tri-Retinol formula when you’re out in the sun, unless you apply a sunscreen of 50 SPF or stronger.  But at night, the Tri-Retinol is perfect for rejuvenating your skin while you sleep.

 And if you have some dark spots like “sun spots” or “liver spots” that we call hyperpigmentation, just apply some Brightening Cream to reduce the melanin that causes dark spots. It will also even out any dark patches that have built up over the years of over exposure to the sun.

The nightly regimen is similar to the daytime routine: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer, Eye Complex, Tri-Retinol and Brightening Cream for dark spots.

So, there you have it, 7 steps to healthier and younger-looking skin for guys and gals! 

Cleanser – Toner – Serum – Moisturizer – Eye Complex – Tri-Retinol – Brightening

Try the OrangeDaily Seven-Step System, both day and night, for healthier skin.

Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin and Beautiful Skin is Healthy Skin.

Dr. Dave

EVERY DAY! WITHOUT FAIL!Spirit * Soul *  Mind * Body

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